Andre Archer

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Andre Archer
Biographical Information
Race [[]]
Homeworld [[]]
Mother [[]]
Father [[]]
Siblings [[]]
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation DOM Arsenal
Prior Affiliation Offworld Mining Corporation / Juganoth Mining Corporation / New Republic / The Medical Circle / Guardians of the Whills

Awards and Medals

Republic Medical Cross

Rimma Star of Service

Hydian Star of Excellence

Operation Chiron

Operation Roid Rage Challenge

Operation Kowak

==Positions Held==

CEO Offworld Mining Corporation (later merged into Juganoth Mining Corporation)

COO Juganoth Mining Corporation

CEO Juganoth MIning Corporation

Minister of Natural Resources of the New Republic

Minister of State - New Republic

Director of Logistics - The Medical Circle

Architect of the Whills - Guardians of the Whills

Co-founder and CEO - DOM Arsenal