Andre Archer

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Andre Archer
Biographical Information
Race Sauvax
Homeworld Leritor
Mother [[]]
Father [[]]
Siblings David Archer, Vexander Archer
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation DOM Arsenal / -ARK-
Prior Affiliation New Republic / The Medical Circle / Guardians of the Whills

Early Life:

Andre was still young at Leritor when the Empire took control of the Planet. His Kuuvan was formed basicaly by pacific miners, who decided not to antagonize the invading forces, served the empire as a workforce to extract as much minerals as possible from the oceans. After years of Empire domination, abusive taxes and deaths, Andre saw his parents taking the lead on a rebellion against the opressor forces. Unfortunately, the pacific sauvaxs didn't stand a change against the technology and military training of the empire forces, so after 2 weeks of confrontation, most of Andre's kuuvan members were dead or imprisioned, his parents among them. The few remaining decided to leave the planet and seek refuge somewhere else. Andre and his brothers David and Vexander took the same path.

Joining the Rebel Alliance:

Awards and Medals

Republic Medical Cross

Rimma Star of Service

Hydian Star of Excellence

Operation Chiron

Operation Roid Rage Challenge

Operation Kowak

Positions Held

CEO Offworld Mining Corporation (later merged into Juganoth Mining Corporation)

COO Juganoth Mining Corporation

CEO Juganoth MIning Corporation

Minister of Natural Resources of the New Republic

Minister of State - New Republic

Director of Logistics - The Medical Circle

Architect of the Whills - Guardians of the Whills

Co-founder and CEO - DOM Arsenal