Rina Waran
Rina Waran | |
![]() | |
Biographical Information | |
Race | Thyferran |
Homeworld | Loxizhra, Polith System |
Mother | Yasmin Elora |
Father | Unknown |
Born | Year -18, Day 02 |
Physical Description | |
Gender | Female |
Political Information | |
Affiliation | Tex Navos |
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Forget Childhood
What a Great Start
Rina Waran was born prematurely to Yasmin Elora on Loxizhra, a warm climate planet in the Polith System. Due to the various addictions her mother suffered, and her inability to mother a child, Rina was abandoned at the Harishi Medical Facility outside the capital, and was cared for by the local authorities until the age of two. Several days after her second birthday, she was moved into the foster program and put up for adoption. Despite their best efforts, Rina was neglected by the many warm and loving families that wanted a child, and was instead smuggled out to a local slave trade undiscovered by the ruling Imperial authorities, and summarily doomed from having a regular childhood. While initially used as a tool to fool criminal checks and authoritative inspections until the age of seven, Rina was soon subjected to various drugs and hallucinogenics, creating an addiction to unwelcome substances that began to control her psyche, forcing her to partake in criminal activities. At such a young age she had no free will or understanding of authority and power, and thus followed her orders without question. The drugs had a foothold in her system, criminal enterprises and organisations had tasks for her to do, without the need to pay her any cash. She was owned, she was a slave, plain and simple.
While she was not alone in her pain, Rina didn't have a desire to make friends. After years of activity in the criminal world, she had built up a strong threshold for drugs and alcohol, and was able to muster murder and violence, and thus become a criminal enterprises desired tool. While many people her age were despised by her, she grew an affection for her handler, Felix Alterii, who had smuggled her out of the foster care system years before. While the fact was unknown to Rina, she became the right hand of Felix, doing anything he wanted, whether committing murder, mayhem, or spending the night in his bed. The attraction began from her twelfth birthday and only grew stronger through her sixteenth and seventieth birthdays. Often rough and stimulating encounters were shared between them, a desire welcomed by Rina as her proclivities and needs grew. When she wasn't pleasuring Felix, she was dispatched to nearby Imperial worlds to oversee an exchange, or execute a politician for looking to eagerly into her aligned criminal enterprise. While she enjoyed the clean nature of a long range with her personalised X-45 Sniper Rifle, she would occasionally change her motivations and sometimes get close to the victim, manipulating them with her body to draw them close, before injecting a cocktail of poisons to give them a slow, painful demise.
At the age of twenty her life was proceeding just as she desired. While she didn't know any other way to live, the drug addictions and enjoyments of alcohol had limited effects on her external appearance, allowing her to keep their effects internal and away from prying eyes. Despite an occasional, uncontrollable shaking from her left hand, Rina considered herself to be in excellent physical health, regardless of what a trained medical physician might believe. Midway through the second galactic year, Rina was dispatched by Felix to Tauber IV in the Polith System to oversee an Imperial political discussion and eliminate an attendee.

After a number of hours scouting the area for a prime sniper placement, and overseeing the discussion, Rina identified her target and executed a perfect sniper shot from over five-hundred yards away. After dissembling her personalised X-45 Sniper Rifle, she began the hike to her Tri-Mark VII Interceptor, Alterii to commence her journey back to Loxizhra. Upon entering the cockpit, she placed her rifle case in the overhead compartment and sat down in the main pilots seat. As she toggled a number of controls, she felt a sharp pinch in her neck, followed by several thousand electronic volts from a CS-12 Stun Master, knocking her helplessly unconscious.
As she awoke, she soon realised the various restraints on her wrists and ankles, and the various interrogation droids hovering before her. Tortured for hours, all the Imperial interrogators wanted to know was information regarding where Rina sourced her personalised X-45 Sniper Rifle. Hours continued to pass as she was beaten by impatient soldiers and stabbed with various serums by interrogation droids. The same line of questions continued, and Rina began to question why there were no questions about her affiliation, associates and operation locations. As night began to fall, Rina had yet to break under interrogation, and was transferred to the medical wing of the undisclosed interrogation facility to ensure she remained alive and conscious for several hours so interrogation could soon resume. Temporarily free from her restraints, Rina was able to slide a small Laser Scalpel under her Imperial issued attire without alerting her captors through the surveillance feeds. As two stormtroopers collected her, to return her to interrogation, she slid the scalpel from under her sleeve and stabbed one guard under their helmet, before breaking the right arm of the other and slashing their throat with the blood covered scalpel. Alarms blaring throughout the facility, guards mobilising, and an unknown facility lay ahead for Rina. Crawling through a number of ventilation shafts and crawlspaces, she was able to navigate her way to a private office in the facility. Splicing into the Imperial protocols of a holoscreen took only moments using an Electronic Lock Breaker she found hidden in a desk draw. Bypassing the various algorithms and identifiers, Rina soon discovered she had been transported to Thracior II in the Botor Enclave Sector.
Intercepting a number of communications protocols, Rina identified the hidden matrices embedded inside each message, and was able to understand that Felix had passed on Rina's objectives to the Imperial authorities. With the understanding that being dead in the eyes of a criminal enterprise was more advantageous, Rina submitted a number of encrypted back to their point of origin, informing Felix of her demise at the hands of the Galactic Empire Imperial Security Bureau. Exiting the office, she manoeuvred her way to the Imperial Armoury in the station, subduing a number of guards in close combat in the process. As the various stormtroopers fell to the ground, each with their necks swiftly snapped, Rina smirked at her ease of execution, before recovering her personalised X-45 Sniper Rifle, and an incredibly sharp Rykk Blade from a storage locker. As she found her way to one of the docking ports, Rina snuck behind an Imperial officer and held the Rykk Blade to his throat. Gaining access to a Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing through the officers' protocols, she escorted him onboard to bypass the various checkpoints, and headed to the orbit of Thracior II. As they reached the orbit of the planet, Rina brushed her hand on the cheek of the Imperial Officer's face, ensuring him he would be safe, before smiling at him and forcing the Rykk Blade into his chest, impaling him. As the officer fell, leaving a trail of blood along the gunboat wall, and a pool on the floor, Rina returned to the cockpit with the desire of returning one final time to Loxizhra, to sever ties with Felix permanently.