Juura Nasirii Tuaaba

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"Je killya um pasa doe beeska wumpa."
— Juura the Hutt

Juura the Hutt
Biographical Information
Race Hutt
Homeworld Nar Shaddaa
Father Gorbo Nasirii Drugo
Siblings Unknown
Children Unknown
Born Year -635 BCGT
Physical Description
Gender Hermaphrodite (feminine personality)
Height 3.5 Meters (11.5 feet)
Coloring Light Green/Grey
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Eidola Pirates

Juura Nasirii Tuaaba or more commonly, Juura the Hutt, is an Eidolon pirate working illicit operations in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim regions; particularly Hutt Space.

Lost Childhood

The slimy and putrid slums of Boboqueequee were a frequent sight to young Juura Tuaaba. Born to the well-off Nasirii kajidic, Juura and all her relatives were notorious criminals even in Hutt standards.

Not even the most powerful of Hutts sitting on the Grand Council dared step into Boboqueequee, for the city itself was indebted to the Nasirii kajidic.

Birth Into Felony

Gorbo Nasirii Drugo had countless offspring, many of who grew up to work alongside their father in the criminal empire. Juura was among those. Born circa Year -635, Juura was first firstborn and thus commanded the most respect. The cityscape of smog and acidic rain forced residents to turn to the kajidic for protection. Such things came at a price though. Juura's childhood consisted of armed collection visits, violent rival firefights, and hedonistic pursuits.