Kroprox Rodz

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Kroprox Rodz
Biographical Information
Race Trandoshan
Homeworld Trandosha
Born Year 15 Day 135
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 7 ft 5 in
Hair Color None
Eye Color Fire Orange
Political Information
Affiliation Tresario Star Kingdom
Rank Petty Officer
Positions Petty Officer of Tresario Core Fleet
Prior Affiliation Anzatan Commonwealth

Kroprox Rodz is a member of the Tresario Core Fleet from the Ministry of Military Operations in the Tresario Star Kingdom.


Tresario Star Kingdom

Year 15 Day 233: Enters the service of Tresario Star Kingdom as a Cadet.

Year 15 Day 239: Graduates from University of Tresario under the instructions of Jon Onasi.

Year 15 Day 239: Starts working at Tresario Core Fleet under the command of Xyler Zero.

Year 15 Day 241: Promoted to Petty Officer by Vernon Foxtail.


University of Tresario Graduation Ribbon

Tresario Star Kingdom Ministry of Military Operations

Tresarian Art Team Ribbon