Inya Lestan

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Inya Lestan
Biographical Information
Race Naboo
Homeworld Naboo (planet)
Mother Nora Lestan - Chamente
Father Tyko Lestan
Siblings none
Born Theed - Year -8, Day 279
Died Marasa Nebula - Year 14, Day 137
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.72m
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Green
Political Information
Affiliation Katana Fleet
Rank Praeses
Prior Affiliation Akheton, Invid, Dark Skies Gearworks

Inya Lestan was a Naboo woman, born and raised in the city of Theed on Naboo. Her father was a freighter pilot known by the name of Tyko Lestan, although it is almost certain that this was not his real name. He came from a family of space travellers and of such mixed race that it is best described as Human. Inya's mother, Nora Lestan (nee Chamente), was an architect and descended from an old and respected Naboo family, the house of Chamente. Because of his travelling job, Inya saw her father but rarely, and she lost him completely when she was 10 years old. He never returned from his cargo run.

From a young age Inya was facinated by space ships and worked in maintenance jobs at the Theed starport. By the time she graduated from school at 19, she was a skilled mechanic and pilot. She got her first job with the Naboo based Akheton company. However, after only a short employment she felt dissatisfied with her job and left to discover the galaxy and search for her father. During her travels she came into contact with Draith Shadux and started working for him in transportation. She was one of the founding members of the mercenary group Invid, later to be renamed to Katana Fleet.

Due to Inya's lack of military training, she was mostly involved in the logistics operations of Invid. Here she was able to improve her organisational skills and allow her knowledge of ships and her thirst for optimised efficiency to be her driving force. At Draith's insistence, she also took a seat in the Invid's Conclave. Despite training in combat, she never became a true mercenary.

After years of working with the mercenaries, whom she considered her family even though their different calling, Inya decided to try her hand at something new and got a job recycling for Dark Skies Gearworks. She did however keep in close contact with the Fleet. Those close to her knew she was going trough a rough time, trying to find her place in the galaxy and continuing her search for her father. But no-one had expected that on a holiday from Gearworks, while setting up a deepspace trading post, Inya would end her searching. Her shuttle was found circling the Marasa sun, damaged, burned and with no survivors inside.






The Dragon

