Damyo Kruder

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Damyo Kruder
Biographical Information
Race Duros
Homeworld Duro
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse Na`aen Kruder (divorced)
Children Jota`ene Kruder, Thyss Kruder, Xiri Kruder
Born Year -21 Day 238
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.96 meters
Coloring Grey/Blue
Eye Color Orange/Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Eidola
Duros Union
Rank Ruler of Jabiim
Prior Affiliation Falleen Federation
Falleen Resource Contracts
Order of Krath
Keer Nation
The Var Kelen
Kelen Syndicate
"Curruption and Opression creates terrorism."
— Damyo Kruder

Damyo Kruder, also known by his holonet-id 'DK', is a well-known Duros, born Year -21 Day 238 on the extinguished City 91 of planet Duro. Former leader of The Var Kelen cult (...),he is known associate of Eidola Pirates (...). Damyo is a known representative of his species after founding the first Duros movement known as Duros Union.

DK smoking a fine Ryll Cigar.






DK in trainning robes during his pilgrimage
DK in full armor suit




