Benetti B-68

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Benetti B-68
Navigational Stats
Max Speed 55 km/h
Maneuverability 5
Sensors 1
Terrain Restrictions Cave Crater Desert Forest Glacier Grassland Jungle Mountain River Rock Swamp Volcanic
Weapons None
Cargo Stats
Weight 1,000 T
Volume 1,750 m3
Weight Capacity 2 T
Volume Capacity 20 m³
Passengers 30
Hull Statistics
Length 35 m
Hull 30
Ionic Capacity 10
Shield 0
Specials None
Raw Materials
Quantum 9
Meleenium 89
Ardanium 77
Rudic 16
Tibannagas 0
Lommite 32
Rockivory 0
Bacta 0
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation Uukaablis Trans-Systems (formerly)
Akheton Vehicle Corporation (formerly)
Techno Union

Originally built as a luxury liner, the Benetti Mariner failed to meet the commercial aspirations of its designers. The design was overhauled by removing most of the passenger space and installing a military-grade reactor to replace the much earlier fission model, allowing the ship greater speed. With the birth of the new ship, dubbed the B-68, sales grew exponentially not as a cruise liner but as a personal water craft that boasted speed and style.

Aratech licensed a limited number of these for production from Akheton Vehicle Corporation in the middle of Year 13, they should arrive shortly on the market in early Year 14.

On Year 14 Day 223 the Akheton Vehicle Corporation became the sole distributor of the Benetti design when Uukaablis Trans-Systems dissolved due to lack of workers.

In Year 21, Akheton Vehicle Corporation merged with the Techno Union, leaving the latter the sole distributor of the B-68.