X-34 Landspeeder

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Revision as of 05:31, 24 December 2011 by Ku`Bakai Roche (talk | contribs) (Year 12)
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X-34 Landspeeder
Navigational Stats
Max Speed 250 km/h
Maneuverability 6
Sensors 1
Terrain Restrictions Jungle, Ocean, River, Volcanic
Weapons Unarmed
Cargo Stats
Weight 9 T
Volume 22 m3
Weight Capacity 0.0700 T
Volume Capacity 0.3500 m3
Passengers 2
Hull Statistics
Length 3 m
Hull 10
Ionic Capacity 6
Shield 0
Specials None
Raw Materials
Quantum 3
Meleenium 30
Ardanium 14
Rudic 16
Tibannagas 0
Lommite 9
Rockivory 0
Bacta 0
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation Aratech

Ubrikkian Industries

Uukaablis Trans-Systems

The X-34 is a civilian landspeeder used by many homesteaders as a primary transportation from and to town. It is sufficient for the needs of a moisture farmer on Tatooine or a sharecropper on Naboo.

The stock X-34 is a no frill ride that gives a cheap ride to most civilians. If it were not for the galactic war it is certain this would be among the most common of vehicles produced.

Special Editions

Year 12

There was a special limited edition Year 12 X-34 produced by Aratech. Only two of these were built. One auctioned off Year 12 Day 224 to Michael MaCleod. The second auctioned off on Centrepoint Market on Y 13 D 24 to Mephiston Leonatos after a long bidding war between him and Alexander von Ismay. This second Year 12 Ltd Ed X-34 went for a record 8 million credits.

Year 13

There are rumors a new Year 13 Limited Edition X-34 will also be put out by Aratech this year, though details at the moment remain classified.