Lilith Delcroix

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Lilith Delcroix
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Cinnagar
Mother Amelia Kaine
Father unknown
Spouse none
Siblings none
Children none
Born Year -9 Day 177
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.68 meters
Coloring Black/purple/red hair
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Dark Skies Gearworks
Rank Forgemaster
Positions Leader
Prior Affiliation Dael`mor Logistics, Black Sun, Galactic Empire Industry
Awards none
"Till the skies bleeds ashes and the fucking skyline crashes."

Lilith, by her full name Countess Lilith Kaine-Del`croix of Vorsia is a very pale, average sized Hapan girl with long black hair, often partially coloured magenta. She was born with emerald green eyes but because of the dark side aura of her former wife and the Force sect she was part of her eyes turned amber. During the hard life her whole right arm and part of her shoulder has been replaced with cybernetics of metallic silver colour and engraved details. She rarely talks about how she lost the arm. After becoming a widow Lilith changed, she used to be mostly happy and cheerful person, and around her wife very obedient and playful but she became distant, cold and prefers to keep to herself, though she is warm and open person to her close friends. The failed marriage affected her more than she would like to admit and ever since prefers to live in private, away from the galaxy. Lilith is renowned for her design skills and was hired many times by corporations, for private orders and even governments, however after she secluded into private she rarely takes new contracts.

Little flower

Lilith before she lost her right arm.

Lilith’s birth is mysterious just as her mother. Nobody knows who her father is or where and when she was born. Her mother Amelia Kaine abandoned baby Lilith at very early age and didn’t share information about the baby girl’s birth with anyone. It is assumed that Lilith was named after her great-grandmother Lilly. It was rainy night when Amelia showed up on the doorsteps of the Kaine estate on Cinnagar, which was at the time occupied by her brother, Lilith’s uncle, High Inquisitor and Rear Admiral of the Imperial Navy Herbert “Incubus” Kaine. By the galactic standard it was Year -9 Day 177, which was used as Lilith’s birthday since only her mother know the correct birthdate. Incubus decided to raise the girl and care for her but under strict rules and Lilith was expected to obey them from early age. It was at that time she began to develop the same xenophobia her uncle possessed, she was taught to view aliens as lesser species.

During her childhood she was mainly in contact with Imperials, so it was only natural she wanted to pursue service in the Galactic Empire just as her uncle and rest of the Kaine family. Her childhood was lonely, she didn’t had any friends of her own age and wasn’t allowed to leave her home without permission, even her education took place in the estate with private lecturers. The older she grew the more she could be found wondering the gardens of her home alone when she had free time or spending time on computer terminal. It was her teenage years that were the hardest; she wanted to explore and even more she wanted company. However she still wasn’t allowed to leave the estate much and only other occupants beside her uncle were slaves. Eventually HoloNet became her escape from the lonely reality, only there she was able to find some sort of company she longed for.

From time to time they had visitors in the estate, they varied from Imperial Officers to lawyers, businessmen and many more but it was not the company Lilith was interested in. Most of them didn’t stay long or took the time to talk to Lilith. She would meet some at dinner around a large table where her uncle hosted his quests, but more times than not Lilith was quiet. One such visitor however stood out and sort of affected Lilith. At one night a business woman in a dark suit with pair of Mandalorian bodyguards arrived at the estate for reasons unknown to the young Hapan girl. Unlike other visitors the woman intrigued Lilith in a strange way; she felt attracted to someone for the first time, despite there was obvious age difference between them. When she managed to overcome her shyness Lilith kept the woman company while she waited for Lilith’s uncle, it wasn’t unusual for Incubus to arrive in middle of the night or not at all, his position within the Empire was very demanding. After she left Lilith was somewhat changed, it was the closest thing to teenage-crush she experienced. The woman unfortunately never visited again so Lilith didn’t dwell on it for too long.

Spoiled teenager

Lilith was still just a young teenager when her life received a blow that affected her forever. Her uncle was accused of treason against the Empire and decided to turn himself in to prove his loyalty which lead to his murder. It was a sad day for Lilith when her uncle left, never to return. Since that day the sound of rain can make Lilith sad as it was heavily raining the last time she saw her uncle. For some time life was very confusing, she had the family wealth at her disposal and the Kaine estate was now in her hands, only shared with Incubus’s alien servant Raum Cambions. For the first time ever she had complete freedom, but didn’t know what to do with it. She was still too young to enlist in the Empire and without guidance of her uncle she felt like losing a purpose, not to mention she had no family anymore or at least believed as much. She decided to cope with her grief probably in the worst possible way. The night city offered to satisfy all her teenage needs and credits provided the means to forget her grief. Often she spent whole nights out, coming back home in the morning and sleeping whole day till it was time to go out again. If she wasn't going out she spent hours with computers, over the years she became very skilled with computer operations and under pseudonym Pixie she used those skills as a slicer. Though she never did anything too dangerous, mostly just breaking into holosites she shouldn't just to prove she could to pass the time. It was during this time Lilith found the company she wanted so much in the past and discovered her attraction to girls, however never entering any kind of relationship. In time only going out and spending credits wasn’t enough to satisfy her, she was getting tired of her homeplanet and the spoiled lifestyle wasn't as glorious as she thought it would be. Later she found out she has two cousins, Gabriel and Reina Kaine but still didn't want to remain home.

Service, darkness and the Church

Lilith wanted to change, she couldn’t continue living the way she did. If her uncle knew all that she was doing he wouldn’t be happy with her. The first idea was to enlist in the Empire but lack of any specialised skills made her chose something else. Instead she enrolled in the University of Engineering that was located on a nearby planet in her home system; she wanted to leave her spoiled past behind her and start a better life. Thanks to the education her uncle provided for her from early age she had it easy on the university, almost too easy for her liking. The spoiled life she used to live affected her more than she would admit, she had problems to concentrate and eventually felt like the university isn’t teaching her anything. After eight months she decided to quit and train as civilian pilot instead. During the time in the university she discovered passion for capital ships and wanted to know how to pilot and command them better, but wasn’t interested in military. Lilith was natural in it and excelled in her training, after a year she knew everything there is about piloting capital ships and her skills became second to none. She was twenty years old when she finished her training and decided it was time to follow her uncle's example and enlist in the Empire, though she chose civilian Industry department over the Navy.

The Imperial University she had to go through first wasn't much harder than the university she already been through so she managed to came out with very high marks and graduate with honours which impressed her professor and her graduation was made public in front of the academy. With rank of Workman she was sent to Cloud City where is worked as prospector. After two months she was approached by Lord Kuat, a Sith Lord and Director of Research and Development to join his department as an officer which she gladly accepted, though due to some difficulties she had to wait and train first before she could be officially transferred. However the longer she was in service the more she realized that the Empire wasn't how her uncle used to describe it to her. It wasn't what she expected it to be, probably the most surprising and off-putting were aliens serving beside her in the Empire. It didn't appeal to her xenophobic nature. She was able to tolerate them not to cause trouble, but to her the Empire no longer was the glorious government her uncle made her believe it was so her interest in serving declined. She became more interested in girls than her work and was very reckless with relationships, most of her love interests were not part of the Empire or even the Imperial Union. Some people didn't agree with her lifestyle, not even the person she believed to be her best friend and it lead to events that changed her life forever.

Lilith was arrested and executed for reasons unknown, though rumors go from aiding the enemy to treason against the Galactic Empire. Regardless of the reason why, her death set a chain of events nobody had anticipated. When Lilith died, like anyone, her soul began its journey through death to be reconnected with the force, save an unexpected intervention. Years before Lilith had been executed, another Kaine shared her fate. Rear Admiral Herbert “Incubus” Kaine, her uncle. Incubus too was charged with treason for unknown reasons and as a sign of loyalty to the Emperor, turned himself over to be executed. He was killed, but his honor grew within the ranks of the Imperial Navy and the Empire as a whole. Little did anyone know that somewhere between the realm of the living and dead, Incubus’ soul remained. It was there that Incubus and his other departed niece, Saige Kippenbrock-Kaine, were able to save Lilith’s soul from being assimilated. Back in the realm of the living, a powerful dark jedi had felt the death of her lover and together with the assistance of an entourage assembled by the Kaine family, Lilith’s soul was drawn back from the clasps of death and transferred to an awaiting body void of a soul. This reincarnation was a key to foundation of the Church of Reansucru. Lilith never became active key member of the Church, but embraced their ideology as her own.

The Sun

"A balance of fear and love is acceptable."
Lilith during her time in the Family.

The experience with death made her realize the importance of love and family, she was no longer interested in material wealth and ranks or power, she simply wanted to live in a happy relationship. She married the dark jedi woman that helped to save her life and followed her into Maurari force sect which was part of the Black Sun organisation. As was a tradition in Black Sun Lilith went to meet one of the Vigos before she could be accepted into the Family, it was life changing experience. Though unlike rest of the members Lilith had no official rank or duties, she was the only non-Force sensitive member of the sect with honourary rank of Aspirant. She was there only to serve her Mistress and wife. Lilith was always intrigued by the Force, the Dark Side was appealing to her but she was never able to attune to the Force to manipulate it, but with help of ex-Sith Lord Azrakh Raleep she was able to train with lightsabers and became skilled in the Makashi form. During that time she was touched by the Dark Side and her eyes changed colour to amber yellow because of all the time she spend in presence of many powerful dark jedi masters. Her lack of Force Sensitivity was suggested to be because her soul wasn't in the body she was born in, but it was never confirmed.

Her marriage however didn't mean to have a happy end, the dark jedi's deception had crushed her and left her with more than physical scars. It took her long time to get over it, but she was never the same again. She prefers not to talk about it and rarely refers to her former wife by name. What happened is mostly unknown to but a few, for a time she had to leave the sect and was allowed to rejoin the Family after few weeks with death of the dark jedi that broke her heart. After all that happened to her Lilith wasn't entirely mentally stable and needed to take a break, a long break to put her life back together, so after few weeks she retired from the Family and chose to live privately. She used her wealth to buy control over a large moon in Neshig sector where she made her home.

Moon Countess

MCL Liner "Dance With The Devil" in orbit of Vorsia Companion.

When Lilith gained control over the large moon she proclaimed herself Countess and enjoys to live a life of a noble and in luxury, though she rarely attends to day-to-day needs of the jungle moon. In her retirement she likes to spend more time on art. She likes to collect ships and items but her favourite are luxury ships and the bigger the better. Because of her family heritage she was always more fond of dagger-shape designs but M-Class Mon Calamari Luxury Liner "Dance With The Devil" came to be among her favourite ships simply because of all the space available inside. Just like the rest of her small private fleet it was painted in white and black with turquoise viewports and bears a crimson Lily, Lilith's personal sigil.

In early year 13 Gabriel Kaine, Lilith's cousin, decided to step down as head of the Church and an assembly of the Conclave was called. Although not officialy part of the ceremony Lilith visited the Kuat system in hopes to confirm rumours of her mother attending. Since she was a little girl Lilith wished to meet her mother and get to know her, but it was impossible for her to find out anything. However before she was able to land in the capital city an event occured that ended the Church's operations on galactic scale. Only hollow Cathedral and disappointment were left after the Conclave dissapeared in unexplained event. With her hopes of meeting her mother shattered Lilith returned back to her moon with sorrow and continued in her private life. The temples on Vorsia Companion are still dedicated to the Reansucru idelogy, despite the Church officialy closed its door.