Lilitu Ningaz

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Revision as of 21:21, 26 February 2013 by Lilitu Ningaz (talk | contribs)
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Lilitu Ningaz
Biographical Information
Race Falleen
Homeworld Falleen Prime
Mother N/A
Father N/A
Spouse none, Ol Lady to Andy Longshot
Siblings N/A
Children None
Born N/A
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 5'6"
Coloring Red Skin
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Emerald Green
Political Information
Affiliation Neutral

Lilitu Ningaz is a Female Falleen who was born on Falleen Prime. She is known to enjoy the thrill of a kill, the sight of a person's light going out of their eyes is one of the things that she lives for. Lilitu was not always this blood thirsty. Events in her past transformed her into a creature that will smile sweetly at you as she pulls the trigger. Personality traits include being fiercely loyal to those she considers family and friends. She often can be seen with a smile on her face.