Quora Preves

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Quora Preves
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Vorsia Companion
Mother Farah Preves
Father Jor Preves
Siblings Doran Preves
Born Year -10, Day 173
Physical Description
Gender Female
Political Information
Affiliation Civilian

Quora Preves is a Hapan female born on Vorsia Companion. Born into a well off family, she received an exceptional education and was groomed for a life of luxury, but decided to spend her time sprawling through the underbelly of the city. Having never left, she has never owned a personal vessel but has inherited a number of properties around the planet from her parents. With a keen interest in journalism and investigative reporting, Quora regularly follows her targets from a distance, analysing their motions and movements before publishing an incriminating story or biography about the target's endeavours. While sometimes callous and unforgiving in her reporting, she is a very kind-hearted individual, regularly donating to various charities around the planet, and volunteering at the Dark Skies Gearworks capital building to help with the growing economy of the planet under the governorship of Forgemaster Lilith Delcroix.

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Privilege and Prosperity

The Birthing Process

Born to parents Farah and Jor Preves, Quora was the youngest in the family, born two years later than brother Doran. While Doran was being groomed for a life of military service within the Inner Regions of space, Quora was being taught on how to be a lady, to one day become the mistress of a prominent figure within galactic society. Before even learning to walk she was being taught the basics of human nature. Just as she took her first steps she was reciting prose from literature, which helped her excel throughout her years of education. Throughout her teenage years the family boarded Quora within the city of Sharrad, the education hub of the planet. Being away from her family was of little concern to her as her priorities were those of learning, allowing her to concentrate without further burden made things easier for her. When class was adjourned, Quora spent a great deal of her spare time at the Ivory Tower temple, learning the history of the planet.

With her religious ideals growing with each session, Quora was graduating at the top her class, showing a keen interest in writing and journalism. When holidays came and went, majority of her classmates and friends would travel off world to relax and get away from Vorsia, but Quora decided to remain, not showing an interest in travel, instead deciding to work on her hobbies, posting a variety of articles throughout local publications and galactic newsfeeds. While the reporting was initially rudimentary, as she continued to practice and hone her craft, readers soon followed. Returning to her parents back at the Angel Falls city for her sixteenth birthday weekend, Quora was shattered when news of her bother's death in combat came through a private holocommunication. Reports were hard to confirm, with information being scarce and unreliable, but reaching out a number of contacts she had managed to nurture,

Quora distraught and exhausted as she hunts for information.

Quora learnt that while on a military escort for the Exiled Rangers his squadron was raided by a local militant force, that destroyed all accompanying fighter wings. Having understood that Doran had only recently completed his basic evaluation, she raised the question as to why he was part of a military escort during this period, to which he received no comment or response.