Kroprox Rodz

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Kroprox Rodz
Biographical Information
Race Trandoshan
Homeworld Trandosha
Marital Status Single
Born Year 15 Day 135
Languages Spanish English German Aurebesh
Religion Atheistic
Quote [h4¢k_th3_wØr1d]
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 7 ft 5 in
Coloring Glossy Green
Hair Color None
Eye Color Fire Orange
Political Information
Affiliation Tresario Star Kingdom
Title Petty Officer
Rank R02-Navy
Positions Petty Officer of Tresario Core Fleet
Prior Affiliation Anzatan Commonwealth

Kroprox Rodz is a member of the Tresario Core Fleet from the Ministry of Military Operations in the Tresario Star Kingdom.


Tresario Star Kingdom

Year 15 Day 233: Enters the service of Tresario Star Kingdom as a Cadet.

Year 15 Day 239: Graduates from University of Tresario under the instructions of Jon Onasi.

Year 15 Day 239: Starts working at Tresario Core Fleet under the command of Xyler Zero.

Year 15 Day 241: Promoted to Petty Officer by Vernon Foxtail.


University Graduate Awarded upon graduation from the University of Tresario.

Military Operations Service Awarded for active service in the Ministry of Military Operations.

Art Monkey Awarded for contributing to the artistic side of Tresario Star Kingdom.