Tony Alicea

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Tony Alicea
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Taris
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 6'1"
Weight 185 lbs.
Hair Color Green (dyed)
Eye Color Brown
Political Information
Affiliation Tion Hegemony
Positions Praetorian
Prior Affiliation Mandalore

Tony Alicea is a Force-sensitive human male that was born on the world of Taris. He is well-known for being a Praetorian for the Tion Hegemony.

Early Life

Tony's homeworld of Taris

Tony Alicea was born into a middle-class family on the sprawling urban metropolis of Taris. His family lived under the peaceful rule of Tion Hegemony for most of Tony's life, after the Galactic Empire ceded control to the smaller government. His father was a government official for the planet's Bureau of Trade, and his mother was a campaign manager for the government's current Prime Minister. Taris is a proud space-faring world with much of it's history etched into the Hyperspace Lanes of the galaxy, so it was inevitable that Tony would take an interest in the stars. He studied in school to become a navigator for freighters or even larger capital ships.

Taris was a world that was found along the Mandalorian Road Hyperspace route, which led many visitors to come from the world of Mandalore. When Tony was near adulthood, one such ship stopped and attempted to recruit crewmembers for their freighter. While Tion Hegemony frowned upon any who chose to leave with Mandalorians, Tony saw this as his one chance to get off-world. So with reluctant approval from his parents, the young spacer left Taris for a greater life beyond.



It did not take long for Tony to figure out that, life in the spacelanes wasn't all it had been cracked up to be. Within a week of becoming the ship's new navigator, he understood why the last one jumped ship. Mandalorian life was far from the picturesque fairy tales scenes that he grew up idolizing.

Tion Hegemony