Year 21

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This is a chronological list of noteworthy events that occurred in Year 21. For an overview of all such events, see Timeline.
For the summary of events preceding the Galactic Civil War, see History of the Galaxy.

  • Day 3 : Jin Solas, the leader of the New Republic was replaced today by Galen Darksol. [1]
  • Day 16 : Luuda Kusaak, the leader of Rebel Alliance was replaced today by Graeda Lannan.
  • Day 16 : Roga McBea, the leader of Ubrikkian Industries was replaced today by Draelor Nah`utal.
  • Day 16 : Wesley OyKi, the leader of Republic Medical was replaced today by Savk.
  • Day 16 : Tengri Lethas, the leader of Merr-Sonn Technologies was replaced today by Nathaniel Durane.
  • Day 16 : Owyn Darklighter, the leader of JUGANOTH Mining Corporation was replaced today by Daelis Stanov.
  • Day 16 : Gile Landala, the leader of Industrial Automaton was replaced today by Relena Vercet.
  • Day 16 : Tem Sappo, the leader of Corellian Transport Services was replaced today by Vladamiur Veselov.
  • Day 16 : Caisava Chelski, the leader of Incom Corporation was replaced today by Tec Vaan.
  • Day 16 : Galen Darksol, the leader of New Republic was replaced today by Inwe Ventidius.
  • Day 16 : Emperor Seele declares the Galactic Civil War over through a transmission on the Galactic News Service. [2]


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