Annabeth Hawkes

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Annabeth Hawkes
Biographical Information
Race Alderaanian
Homeworld Alderaan
Mother Charlotte Hawkes
Father Augustus Hawkes
Siblings Tiberius Hawkes
Born Year -7 Day 101
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.64 Meters
Coloring Fair Skinned
Eye Color Brown
Political Information
Prior Affiliation Rwookrrorro Industries
"You can find peace in wisdom, and wisdom in experience."
— Annabeth Hawkes


Annabeth is a lithe Alderaanian woman. She is shorter in stature then most, only coming to 1.64 meters (5.4 feet). However, for what she lacks in size and stature, she makes up for well enough in attitude, personality, and opinions. Rarely seen keeping her mouth shut on a topic, especially if it is one she is familiar with herself - but knows the limit to her knowledge and opinions. She values patience, hard work, and beauty. She can always be seen looking fashionable, whether it be a utility jump suit, to a classy dress with stilettos.



Annabeth was born on Alderaan in Year -7 Day 101 to the proud parents, Augustus and Charlotte Hawkes. Her mother was a praised painter, specialized in landscape paintings. She regularly frequented art shows in which she brought young Annabeth with her, she hoped to expose her daughter to refined culture early in life. Her father however was a aspiring diplomat. Augustus worked in many government positions on a local level, serving as Deputy Mayor for Aldera, capitol of Alderaan. He, like Charlotte, wanted to expose his daughter to his lifestyle as well. Augustus would take Annabeth to his work, usually once a week. There she learned the basics of politics and fundamental urban planning. Combined with her mother's cultural exposure, Annabeth begun her extremely bright future.

It was during her early years of secondary school where Annabeth began to realize the effect her parent's actions had on her. She excelled in art and politics, mostly combining the two - she would draw, paint, and sketch famous political scenes. Her most well-known being the dissolution of the Galactic Republic. In which, she drew flames scouring the Galactic capitol of Coruscant, with Imperial fleets approaching the planet to seize the opportunity. This however laid the foundations of Annabeth's political beliefs and philosophies.


Annabeth was maturing into a fine young, outspoken, woman. One of the most controversial issues Annabeth was so outspoken in were alien rights. From a very young age, starting in approximately the first years of secondary school, Annabeth begun to form her own opinions about such matters. Alderaan was typically a blissful place, one did not hear of such violations on the planet. However, Annabeth would watch the holonews to learn of what exactly was going on in the galaxy. Her opinions put her at odds with alot of her pupils. One day, Annabeth's teacher gave her class a project - one that Annabeth craved. It was to prepare a speech on one of the many galactic problems that plague our societies; gleefully two days later she read her speech to her class, she was determined on making a statement.

"...They hurt as well. They feel pain, have emotions, hold their loved ones dear. Aliens are all too similar to you and I..."
— Excerpt from Annabeth's speech

Soon after she delivered her speech, everyone in her class gave a slight clap. Most were astonished one actually talked so passionately about the issue, and a few were puzzled why even she brought it up. Satisfied with her statement, the young Alderaanian woman moved on up the educational ladder. Eventually she graduated with an Advanced Diploma from the Aldera Institute of Higher Learning.

When Annabeth graduated from the Institute, she was at the age of nineteen standard years. Aldera itself at the time was a flourishing, glittering capitol full with all the luxuries and necessities one could want. It was also full of endless possibilities for a young Alderaanian woman just out of school, but, Annabeth was unsure on what she wanted to do with her life. She knew that she wanted to fight for rights for aliens, but unsure how to approach it. She always stressed non-violence wherever she went. However, there is a fine line with non-violence and self-defense. It seemed she had found what she wanted to do, for now anyways. It was always inside of her, festering and growing. Her proactive spirit lead her to begin lecturing around Aldera and sometimes around Alderaan. Her speeches were geared towards aliens but also young women. She wanted to teach women how to be successful outside of a man.

"And ladies, don't rely on a man to take care of you. Be strong and independent on your own, this is a growing problem with the young women of the galaxy today..."
— Annabeth speaking to an assembled crowd of one hundred in Aldera.

Naturally, Annabeth's views on the subject of aliens aligns her politically and ideologically to the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance, both of which she openly supports. This however sets her at odds with many back home. As the majority of the populace supports the Galactic Empire, something which Annabeth had to deal with when coming of age.

Rwookrrorro Industries

Eventually Annabeth began to slowly stop talking to groups of people around Alderaan. 'There is more to the Galaxy then home' she used to say to herself. Eventually word began to spread, albeit very lightly, of Annabeth and her activist ventures. The woman was now twenty and ready to start a new chapter in her life. No longer an adolescence, no longer chained to her home, she began searching for a possible career or planet that might interest her - anything really. Eventually Annabeth became aware of a Wookiee company known as Rwookrrorro Industries. Soon Annabeth worked to see what she could do to join the company. It interested her very much; their values and ideals clearly matched those of Annabeth. Rwookrrorro Industries is an equal opportunity employer however one must be specifically picked for the corporation. Learning this, Annabeth quickly contacted the company's leader, Elijah Shoryyhn.

Shortly after contacting him, the two began to speak to each other about Annabeth joining the company, and a short four days later, Annabeth joined Rwookrrorro. She quickly was put to work. Anna was securing vital resources for one of the many projects RI undertakes. During this experience, she became adept in logistics and basic mining.

Unfortunately, Annabeth eventually left RI some time later. This was due to many things, the most dominant reason was she wanted to further herself, her values, and beliefs. This lead her to leave the faction and move onto new and better things. This however opened up another chapter in her life. Finally, Annabeth was done finding herself.