Highly Prosperous in Corporate Sector for 'Imperial Citizens'

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Hacked by: Gilbert Reed - Affiliation: Corporate Sector Authority
Date: Year 14 Day 243 Location Unknown

Corporate Sector, Hiit, Hiit Prime City

A recent claim made by Imperial Executor Seele has led to much speculation about the prosperity of imperial citizens within the Corporate Sector.

According to Seele, his recent escapade within Hutt Space has shown him a different side of how the galaxy works, and as such he proposes that "...The New Order will get to those people eventually, and give them a life of prosperity that Imperial citizens enjoy in the Galactic Core and the Corporate sector."

A study by the independent Citizens for Stability Institute shows irrefutable evidence that Executor Seele is, in fact, correct in his statement of prosperity amongst imperial citizens within the Corporate Sector. In this study, it has been found that imperial citizens within the Corporate Sector not only have a greater opportunity at life, but are by far happier with their lifestyle choices.

The study shows the average imperial citizen's home is nearly three times the size within the Corporate Sector as it is outside the Sector, as well as each average citizen's equitable assets are significantly higher, as well.

Side by side comparison of imperial citizen housing.

Accordingly, asking how such is possible led to the discovery that the Corporate Sector Authority, the reigning government of the Corporate Sector, has played the largest role in helping imperial citizens find prosperity within the Corporate Sector. Ratifications by the Direx Board of CSA for amendments to the CSA Charter allow CSA personnel the ability to claim imperial citizenship status while working for CSA. While it is unknown how many employees of CSA wish to claim imperial citizenship, what is known is that CSA allows anyone that wishes to join its ranks from within the Galactic Empire the ability and opportunity to do so.

Imperial citizens are not only allowed to still claim their citizenship status, but they are given proper and respectful treatment within the territory owned by the Corporate Sector Authority, to the degree that most imperial citizens arriving within the Corporate Sector are not only given ample space to live and work within, but are granted liberties not seen in territories governed by the Galactic Empire.

"Imperial Citizen" Prosperity Analysis

Within the Corporate Sector, CSA encourages sentients to own and operate businesses, as well as settle down into comfortable living conditions that the Galactic Empire discourages. Where one might be able to own a string of hotels within the Corporate Sector, the Empire stifles such opportunity elsewhere. The ability to own a larger home, up to, and including, a personal palace is also allowed within the territory CSA governs.

Reached for questioning, CSA ExO Gilbert Reed stated, "We, within CSA, feel it necessary that every individual be given the same opportunities to flourish that we, ourselves, have. While citizenship within CSA is an acquired asset, those that wish to claim they are of 'Imperial Citizenship' are allowed to make whatever claim they like and still be treated fairly. We strive to put individual wealth ahead of protecting desolate planets, much to the astonishment of the Imperial High Command. Where they would rather an individual own territory they can't control, protect, or govern, we do the opposite."

Another proposed amendment, dubbed the "Imperial Citizen Relief Fund", has been put forward to be discussed in the next Direx Board meeting, as well. This proposed amendment would see a change in the CSA Charter allowing for greater effort to solicit help from within the Galactic Empire to better improve prosperity amongst those claiming imperial citizenship within the Corporate Sector. Although efforts are continually ongoing to bring citizens of the Empire to the Corporate Sector, this fund would be used to assist imperial citizens in establishing themselves quicker and easier within the Corporate Sector by way of trading Imperial-owned assets they utilize for personal wealth they can use to set up businesses or homes within CSA governed territory.

With the attitude the Empire shows toward allowing their citizens to establish themselves within the Corporate Sector, what remains to be seen is just how prosperous they can become by joining the Corporate Sector Authority and prospering together.