Falleen Prime
Falleen Prime is the homeworld of the Falleen Species and is under control of the Falleen Federation. It is also known simply as "Falleen"
Falleen Prime is a planet in the Dufilvian sector. It has jungles, vast plains, and icy mountains.
System: Falleen
Sector: Dufilvian
Galactic Coordinates: (172, -165)
System Coordinates: (14, 13)
Atmosphere: Temperate / Breathable
Controlled by: Falleen Federation
Governor: His Majesty, King Bisz Aldaris
Magistrate: His Majesty, King Bisz Aldaris
Total population: 1,543,369,105 inhabitants
Hireable Population: 0 People
Civilisation level: 37%
Tax level: 5%
Planet income: 177,706,876 credits
Tax income: 8,885,344 credits