Talk:Holocron:HoloProject Astrography
Wild Space and Unknown Regions
The definitions of Wild Space and Unknown Regions are a bit fluid even in canon but I think we ought to redefine and reclassify Wild Space as sectors that haven't been explored yet. I had created a category, Category:Unexplored Sectors but it seems better to rename as Wild Space instead. For Unknown Regions, we can maintain it as systems without a sector like Huk and Csilla. Any opinions on this? --Raith Starlight 03:29, 19 April 2014 (GMT)
It does seem fitting for Wild Space to refer the Sectors that have yet to be explored. --- Prard`aga Rono 05:44, 19 April 2014 (GMT)
Sounds logical. I agree. -- Rupert Havok 07:58, 19 April 2014 (GMT)