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Bayonet-class light cruiser
Karyai Mar'e
AffiliationTomas o`Cuinn
Navigational Stats:
Sublight Speed20 MGLT
Turbo Lasers8
Tractor Beams2
Heavy Lasers6
Cargo Stats:
Weight40,000 T
Volume750,000 m³
Weight Cap3,500 T
Volume Cap8,500 m³
Max Passengers200
Hull Stats:
Length200 m m
Deflector Shields800
Ionic Capacity550

The Karyai Mar'e is a Bayonet-class light cruiser, or "Bayo", that serves as an atmospheric assault corvette in Tomas o`Cuinn's naval fleet. Constructed by an unknown producer sometime in Year 9 (CGT), this cruiser's history is shrouded by the cloak of Black Sun's notorious secrecy. While assigned to the defense fleet of the Gree system, the cruiser was captured by the Dael'mor Mandalorian clan during the system's liberation in late Year 14 (CGT). It was later gifted to Tomas o`Cuinn as a token of friendship by Cait Catra, Aliit'buir of Dael'mor and former Dark Princess of Black Sun.

The first starship design to feature the specific V-shape, the Bayo is capable of concentrating nearly all of its weaponry into its forward firing arc. While somewhat outdated by current military hardware, the cruiser is still very capable of dominating the battlefield against similarly-dated ships or when facing inexperienced captains. In an effort to counter one of the the stock design's main issues, a number of additional communication relays were installed throughout the ship to allow the command module to communicate without interference from the cruiser's ion drives. The Bayonet design is a personal favorite of Cuinn's, meaning that despite the ship's obvious disadvantages during combat, his desire to retire or sell the vessel are almost nonexistent. As a result, the Karyai Mar'e is used mainly during lesser engagements, when heavy firepower and the ability to take several large hits is not required.