Errai Praylis

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Errai Praylis
Biographical Information
Race Duros
Homeworld Duro
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation New Republic
Jedi Order

Early Life

Errai Praylis was born into one of the orbital cities above the planet Duro. His parents were middle class workers on the city, able to provide a stable home for Errai and his siblings. When he was of age he enrolled in the local flight academy and began training as a starship pilot. Errai found he had a natural affinity for repairing anything from droids to a hyperdrive engine. He soon began excelling in all his classes, especially those on engineering. Graduating from the academy, he found work as a machinist's mate on a Mammoth freighter called the Bantha's Burden.

Republic Pilot

After years of working freelance, Errai returned home to Duro to see how the iron fist of the Empire had been governing his homeworld. His parents were missing, their house was condemned, and there was no record of his family. He felt if he could've stayed on Duro, he could have gotten his family out safely. He was just one person, but he decided he needed to enter the fight against the Empire. Errai enrolled into the New Republic Star Fighter academy. His prior skill in piloting and star ship maintenance helped him excel in the Republic. As a pilot officer, Errai was given lead on his own squadron.

Stepping Into A Larger World

One day during downtime, Errai was discovered to be Force sensitive. He felt the need to sharpen this new skill, and resigned from the New Republic. Errai made his way to Lorahns, and joined the Jedi Order.