Annalisa Ros`e

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Annalisa Ros`e
Biographical Information
Race Mixed Coruscanti & Hapan (Human)
Homeworld Coruscant
Spouse Michael Bourne
Siblings Five sisters
Born Year -13 Day 224
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 162cm
Eye Color Grey
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Empire, Medusa
Rank Underboss

Annalisa Ros`e (born Year -13 Day 224), also otherwise referred to her married name as Annalisa Bourne, is a mixed Coruscanti & Hapan female and the wife of Michael Bourne. Not much is known about her family's background other than rumours of a connection to Hapan royalty and immense wealth; she is engaged in such activities as supporting her husband's endeavours to build and expand his family empire, as well as mixing with people with an array of different backgrounds as a socialite and part-time model.

It is understood that Annalisa is a middle child of a total of six girls in the Ros`e family household, and that her marriage to Bourne has brought many benefits to both sides of their engagement.