Holocron:Featured Articles/2017/August

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Jaxon Calrissian Al`zandar, the only son of Corellian diplomats, got his start in life wanting for nothing. He was afforded the finest education, travelled to and from the major systems of the Galactic Core<ref>The Core Worlds (also known as the Galactic Core and, during the Imperial Period, the Imperial Core) were some of the most prestigious, well-developed, well-known, least politically restrictive and heavily populated planets in the galaxy, and hobnobbed with Celebrities, Politicians, Activists, and Freedom Fighters alike. Standing 6' 1" with an athletic 210 lb frame, the dark Corellian pilot is a well known businessman, trader, gambler, pirate and athlete . He has made his fare share of allies and enemies, as well as an undisclosed fortune. Suffering from an extreme case of wanderlust, as most Corellians do, Jax enjoys cruising the space-lanes living life as he pleases. At times that includes terrorising governments and civilians alike, bandit and creature hunting, and being an all-around galactic scoundrel. (Full article...)

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