Holocron:Featured Articles/2021/July

Grandmaster Tapar Craken is a Krath Lord and was the leader of the Krath Dynasty. Craken is a known force-sensitive, his alignment is to Krath and the Darkside. Born on the Imperial-Held world of Corellia, Tapar's father, Charles Patrick Craken, was a famous scientist and ship designer who'd been responsible for vital breakthroughs in fighter design concepts as a young man during the Clone Wars. Tapar's mother, Talya Craken, was a well-regarded flight and avionics systems programmer. Times had been tough on Corellia following the founding of the 'New Order', and the Crakens, like many Corellians, had no love for the Imperials, but at the same time, they did recognize the stability the New Order provided Corellia, even if it was at the cost of personal freedoms. Aside from that, Imperial forces were always looking at developing better weapons of war and were quite willing to pay large sums for them... A ship designer's dream. (Full article...)