Holocron:Featured Articles/2022/September

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Jawa Offworld Enterprises is a megacorporation that primarily profits through the investment in and creation of Jawa business ventures. Despite only recently having been created the business quickly rose to prominence in the galaxy, being at the center of a number of galactic events. This has been largely attributed by the group to the natural skill at conducting business possessed by the Jawa people. Ironically, the group of "off-world" Jawas has had considerable activity focused on their homeworld of Tatooine, after assuming control of the planet in mid Year 21. The origins of the Jawa Offworld Enterprises trace back to a number of different movements related to sentient rights of Jawa's and other short of stature species. Starting off with the likes of legendary Jawas Het Patchateeka, Uli-ah Gafsa, Heek Jikjawa, and Tik Tak a number of pro-Jawa initiatives were attempted with the goal of assisting Jawas who left behind their homeland of Tatooine. (Full article...)

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