Holocron:Featured Articles/2024/March

The Hapes Cluster is a region of space - typically regarded as a sector in its own right - situated in the Inner Rim of the Galaxy, Galactic North by Galactic East in the Slice, between the Perlemian and Trellen trade routes. It borders Neshig, Japrael and the Ktilac Regions. The sector is a grouping of several thousand stars within the nebula known as the Transitory Mists. The Mists are characterized by an assortment of massive gravity wells, ion storms, and concentrations of cosmic dust that greatly impede hyperspace travel to the region and have kept the inhabitants of the Cluster mostly isolated from the rest of the galaxy over the course of several millennia. Few hyperspace routes into the sector are considered safe to navigate, forcing travelers to enter the Cluster through either Lorell or Roqoo. (Full article...)