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Super Battle Droid Sanshin

Owner Vir Calder
Galactic Register ID 10129
Year of Manufacture Year 8
Weight 300 kg
Volume 2 m³
Hull 300
Deflector Shields 100
Ionic Capacity 300
Weapons 2 Heavy Blasters

Vir Calder acquired Super Battle Droid Sanshin in early Year 20 from private collector and personally performed a complete overhaul to replace its aging power cells, motivator, and other components that had not stood up to the test of time. A completely new programming was also written for Sanshin, making Calder's safety its primary objective. While the stock Super Battle Droid programming allowed little independence, Calder gave Sanshin some degrees of freedom, allowing it to think tactically. Indeed, this droid was often seen commanding small squads of other security droids as the need arose. In late Year 20, Sanshin received an exterior overhaul from Calder's friend and confidant Areagla Loomis. Silver bodied with red accents, decorated by patterns resembling that of tattoos on sentients, it was said that Calder was so impressed with the look that some of the same design elements were applied to the droid Biwa. Sanshin is very often seen with Calder on his travels, typically seen operating together with Biwa as a pair.