Vrei Farnelle

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Vrei Farnelle
Biographical Information
Race Human
Marital Status Single
Born Year 3
Languages Basic
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 5' 6"
Coloring Tan
Eye Color Brown
Political Information
Affiliation Trade Federation

Vrei Farnelle is a Human female of the Trade Federation.


Vrei was born in Year 3 on an unknown planet to unidentified parents. Having been born without her left hand, she was found abandoned in a spaceport on Ord Mantell by authorities and was taken to an orphanage. Throughout her childhood she avoided making friends, instead choosing to tinker with droids. This led to her developing an awkward personality. She showed signs of high intelligence early on, being able to calculate complex algorithms at just five years old. Although she could not be fitted with a cybernetic hand, she learned to accomplish most tasks with just one hand.

She eventually left the orphanage, though it is unknown when or how this took place. By Year 21, she had taken the surname Farnelle for reasons unknown. In Year 24, she joined the Trade Federation.

Personality and traits

Vrei is known for being highly intelligent. She is capable of performing complex mathematical calculations in seconds, though she is seemingly unresponsive to external stimuli while performing said calculations. She has a notoriously awkward personality, and often has trouble reading social cues and expressing her emotions.