Wes Dewback

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Wes Dewback
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Tierney Dewback
Father Ja'Sin Dewback
Marital Status widower
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year -11 Day 324
Languages High Galactic Standard
Religion Atheist
Quote "Go big, or go home!"
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.87
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Celestial Heavy-Tech
Positions President / Board Member
Prior Affiliation Tion Hegemony

Born to a small family they were not wealth but not poor either. His father started teaching him at an early age to pilot small ships and speeders. When he was 15 his father was mugged and murdered during a trip to Tantoonie after that Wes tried to find his father's murderers and even went as far as to approach a hutt for info. After that Wes went back home with his mother and he continued his training as a pilot. After Wes's Mother's funeral, he joined the Imperial Navy. After rising to the head of his class, he started to see corruption. He decided he wasn't going to be the oppressor, and so he left. He soon required an Actis-class he named the Vengence. He used the Vengence to do small jobs to help fund his ideas. After wandering the outer rim for a while he met Biowa Gatecross, a force sensitive member of Tion Hegemony. He began learning various skills and start making business connections.

It was about this time that Paul Cron made his move on the Hegemony inciting what came to be known as the Cron Conflict. Wes's whereabout and actions during the conflict are unknown, but reports have him being near Biowa during the conflict. After the conflict's resolution, Wes proceeded to join the Military full time, meeting Boog Danyon who worked in Construction. The two quickly became friends and after a while made a daring rescue of Boog Danyon's Sister Calista Nayme.

Shortly after returning to Tion space from the Danyon family rescue, Wes met a force sensitive student of Biowa named Kirra Blenken. Wes and Kirra courted and the two quickly became engaged. On the hyper jump to Alderaan for their honeymoon, Davy Hawker who had stowed away drugged and bound the two. Dragging Kiira to the Airlock, Wes was forced to watch as Davy released the Airlock, sending Kirra into space. It was then, that Davy revealed he was an ally with the now dead Paul Cron, was was seeking revenge for a mission carried out by Biowa and Wes. Wes managed to break his restraints and struggled with Davy, before Davy managed to escape in a pod.

For several years afterwards, Wes Dewback did transport work with his friend Boog Danyon under the name Dewback and Danyon Enterprises. One day, during a talk with Boog, communications were cut off. Wes searched for months, never finding a single trace of Boog or his ship. Wes returned to Tion and rejoined the Navy, although this time his service suffered from his lack of motivation and his spiraling Depression.

It was during mission to help civilians evacuate a station near Glee Anselm for maintenance, that he met Juthorian Wrak. Juthorian was a young Nautolan who was just leaving his world for the first time. He had great medical training and was looking for pilot work. Using a couple YT-1300s from the Dewback and Danyon days , the two started doing transport jobs. After bringing on a Zabrak pilot named Zitum Hallo, the three decided to name themselves Celestial Transportation and continued to do transport work while based out of Embaril.

While still doing work for Tion, Wes met Ctov Shek. Shek was a trader and unlike anyone Wes had met. After some talking, and much drinking, Ctov Shek decided to gamble on Wes and the small group of pilots, and sold them discounted Corvettes and Frigates, allowing for Wes and crew to jump into the big leagues of transportation.

Eventually the small transport company became a large manufacturing company with branches in mining, transport and retail marketing. These days you'll often find Wes Dewback in the studio with musical legends like "Mad Madman" and "The Rock Ivories" as he develops a brand new type of music for the galaxy.........Hutt Pop. Under the stagename "Dewback2hot" Wes is currently planning a galactic tour with various musicians to spread H-Pop across the Galaxy.