Pentastar Alignment (Year 13)

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This article is about the government that operated from Year 8 to 11. You may be looking for the old Pentastar Alignmnt.
The Pentastar Alignment
Political information
Motto "Nu Ahrk Mahfaeraak Mu Fent Drog"
Type of government Oligarchy
Head of State Grand Moff Solarius Masha
Commander-in-Chief Supreme Commander Corey Vildras
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems
Societal information
Capital Atrivis Sector
Territory Northern Outer Rim regions
Language(s) Imperial Basic, Altirish
Currency Galactic Credits (Imperial Dataries)
Historical Information
Formed from Galactic Empire
Date of establishment Year 11 Day 295 (as The Shadow Syndicate)
Year 12 Day 308 (as Holy Atrivis Empire)
Industry Merc
Status Alive
Holosite Pentastar Alignment


The Pentastar Alignment was initially a collation of subjugated and highly contested regions in the northern Outer Rim. Wanting an end to oppression and freedom to self-rule, the regions in the Atrivis Sector rose to a revolt against and establish their own government. From the ruin of that civil war, many warlords and leaders rose to power. One such leader, Solarius Masha held a meeting between all political and military leaders from his palace in neutral Confederate Space. There after intense negotiations, the Pentastar Alignment was born, shining as a bright star in the empty and desolate north.


From The Shadows: Children of Chaos

The Pentastar Alignment in its early history was a collection was a group of renegades traveling around the galaxy as a group of nomads along with their leader Aeonian Masha the self-exiled Chief Executive Office of Huppla Tisc Shipwrights Collective. The group moved to the north outer rim away from civilization. Eventually joining the United Coalition of Rachuk by the behest of Luke Turton, who lead the group after its Emperor Uther von Kaldreon went on a adventure to the unknown regions and brought a Viceroy from the Falleen Federation; Tigris Ninx to act as steward.

The Great Sundering

Aeonian Masha eventually achieved the rank of Minister of Engineering of the Coalition. Soon after after his appointment, a sudden wave of turmoil followed. Revitalization projects put in place by Luke Turton that had lead to great success in many areas of the government were suddenly overturned by the sudden arrival of Uther von Kaldreon. Tensions immediately rose in the Ministry but operations continued as normal. Eventually the Emperor fell into relapse of inactivity, along with it brought on a end to the golden age as his new policies placed failed to achieve the success enjoyed under doctrines in place by Luke Turton. Effectively, the Coalition fell into a sharp rescission.

During one of the ministry meetings, Luke Turton stated UCoR was going to go under due to the leadership of its inactive leader; a drastic change was needed, but didn't specify until after the meeting. He requested several people from the High Command to attend the meeting, which Aeonian Masha entered suddenly and without permission. He was immediately taken into the idea proposed by the group, a coup d'état. He took a passive role in the events that followed shortly after.

Revolution: Atrivis Freedom Movement

The Holy Protectorate of Atrivis was started off as a simple Freedom Movement. It was a place for distressed citizens after many years of hard fighting against different oppressors such as the remnants of Galactic Empire/ New Republic influenced mercs, and pirates to collect and hold protests.

The first sparks of rebellion were ignited during the construction of imperial war machines using the local populace as slaves. Revolts during this period were violent and were heavily and brutally suppressed by the Empire. When the Empire was driven out by the New Republic, the so called democracy proceeded to strip the sector of all its money and resources with brutal taxes. After being striped for all there was, the sector and its surrounding were abandoned leaving behind paid mercenaries overlords.

Enough was Enough, unrest was ripe and the peaceful Atrivis Freedom started, until the massacre on Iridium by pirate forces. The massacre swiftly manifested itself into an armed war which resulted in the defeat of the Pirates of Iridium. Many protests on other planets and systems started to flare from peaceful to armed. Fearing the end of their reign the remaining mercenary overlords formed a collation to attempt to crush the rebellion in its infancy. The Atrivis Civil had started.

Atrivis Civil War

With the Collation of Overlords combining their money and military might and on the other the rise of a popular revolt leaders, the stage was set for a prolonged and deadly conflict. Several of these battle were well documented by reported and available in many news reports.

Treaty of Generis

Right on the onset, after the massacre on Iridium instigated by corrupt local military officials, the few leading rebel collectives joined forces for more coordination, and increased might against the strong overlords. As the leading resistance leaders met, fights ensured in the room and gridlock ruled supreme. The alliance looked like it would fail before it even started, that was until the unknown but technically minded Solarius Masha took interest , a Jal Shey Mentor, intervened and negotiated with the conflicting sides. After several more talks and the threat of defeat looming over, the treaty was signed between the various rebel leaders. This improved the social status the normally reclusive Mentor into fame. With the Signing of the Treaty of Generis the Atrivis Resistance Group was born.

Founding of the Alignment


Moff Council

Politorate Branch

Judgement Branch

Enforcement Branch