User:Wolfgang von Schlavendorf

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Wolfgang von Schlavendorf
Biographical Information
Race Jawa
Homeworld Tatooine
Mother Khea Kl'Ark
Father Tteel von Schlavendorf
Siblings Frederick von Schlavendorf
Born Year -8, Day 95
Quote ‘The ups and downs of an economy are similar to the ups and downs of life. They are unavoidable, but what matters is your knowledge to ride the ups and survive the downs.’
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.03 m
Eye Color Unknown. Yellowish Glow
Political Information
Affiliation The Galactic Stock Exchange

Veritas Press

Rank Director
Positions Leader of The Galactic Stock Exchange

Advisor to the Veritas Press Terrefel Reiki

Wolfgang von Schlavendorf, (known to friends as Wolf or Wolfy) is a male Jawa who grew up on the planet of Tatooine in a sandcrawler. He has moved on and is now the Director of The Galactic Stock Exchange


Early Years

Born in early Year -8, Wolfgang grew up living in a sandcrawler with his family. His father, Tteel, was a trader like most Jawas, but was very successful. He taught Wolfgang valuable trading skills that would benefit him later in his career and in multiple threatening situations. Besides this training, he received no real education, yet had a knack for learning information early. He spent his early teenage years trading for books and information about the governments and businesses of the galaxy. His family never approved of this as they saw it as a pursuit of useless knowledge.

Wolfgang's first deal on his own at the age of 13 resulted in his first droid that he prizes more than anything else, a RX Pilot which has never left his side and was the first of his now large collection of droids. His skilled trading caught him many lucrative deals near the age of 15 when he traded for a Sentinel Droid which protected his family multiple times later from Tusken Raiders.

At the age of 20 his life was changed forever. His father was repairing the front of a sandcrawler when the breaks gave in and he was crushed along with his brother and mother who couldn't flee in time. Wolfgang was in the middle of a trade and his desperate attempt to save his family failed. He decided to turn his back on the tragic memories of Tatooine. He negotiated the purchase of a beat up YT-1300 with the small fortune his family had made from trading and took off to explore the galaxy.

The Galactic Stock Exchange

After 2 years of exploring the galaxy Wolfgang met a Muun Businessman by the name of Ardu Nillian. He told Wolfgang of The Galactic Stock Exchange and convinced him to take up an apprenticeship under him. Wolfgang started his first official job on Year 14 Day 57 and never looked back. He worked under the great guidance of Ardu, Kiie Cristal, (huttly master) Finar Ambrose, Val Ambrose, Jorus Serto, and Lord Mustafa to learn the skills of a galactic businessman. He quickly joined the Veritas Directorate as the GSE's Division Adjunct (DivXO) under his mentor. On Year 14 Day 125 Ardu Nillian retired from the GSE and handed control over to Wolfgang.

Under Wolfgang's guidance, the GSE, still a small group, underwent substantial growth as the company's client base was expanded. Wolfgang's focus on recruitment, development of the GSE's Stock Price Index, and coordinating the construction of Trading 2 Station continue as he strives to make the GSE a major participant in the trading game. His success has led to his appointment to be an advisor to the core group of the Veritas Conglomerate known as the Terrefel Reiki.


Wolfgang can be seen wearing a simple robe like the average Jawa. He carries his datapad in a messenger back slung over his shoulder and his Jawa Ionisation Blaster always nearby. His bright yellow-glowing eyes shine from underneath his hood and are the only distinguishable feature on his face. People don't admire his Jawa-like smell, but he recognizes his race and hopes to show the galaxy what Jawas can really do.

Abilities and Personality

Wolfgang's great trading and diplomacy skills have allowed him to acquire a large collection of droids while continuing the success of the GSE. His great piloting and repair skills have allowed him to have considerable success traveling the galaxy and earning extra side money when it was required.

Personality wise Wolfgang is light-hearted and outgoing. He loves to have fun with and occasionally joke with his co-workers and friends, namely his 2iC Solegot Solus, Veritas EIC Khorde Devarian, former Veritas CEO Kiie Cristal, Veritas Vice-President Jorus Serto, Finar Ambrose, and Neria Derycke. His goal is to bring energy and excitement to a conversation or trade and enthusiastically works with clients to make sure the job is done right and that the customer is satisfied.