Faerytail Family

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The Faerytail Family is a term used to describe the group of companies and organizations that form Faerytail.

Currently the Faerytail Family is made up of:

- Faerytail Medical

- Faerytail Recycling

- Guardians of the Fey

The reason Faerytail is referred to as a "Family" rather than a conglomerate, group, etc. is because of the personality of its Founder, Simkin Dragoneel. Simkin believes all members of Faerytail are to be viewed as important and close-knit, like a family. Also it is to show his love for each of his members.

Allied organisations are referred to as "Faery Friends". Faerytail does not usually reveal "Faery Friends", or those with whom they have an NAP.

Faerytail Family
Family Members Faerytail Medical; Faerytail Recycling; Guardians of the Fey
Allies Faery Friends
Planets Krmar II; Oshara IV; Dalchon; Denubba