Voragga Zuuma Ajurr

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Voragga the Hutt
Biographical Information
Race Hutt
Homeworld Nal Hutta
Physical Description
Gender Hermaphrodite (masculine personality)
Height 1.75 meters
Weight 1,358 kilograms
Coloring Pale/Green skin
Eye Color Orange/Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation The Hutt Cartel
Zuuma Kajidic
Rank Kajidii
Positions Cartel Overlord
Prior Affiliation The Hutt Council
Lumini Pirates

Voragga Zuuma, also known as Voragga the Hutt and often called the "Exalted One," is the perennial ruler of the Hutt Cartel, a former member of its predecessor the Hutt Council, and one of the most notorious Hutt crime lords in the galaxy. Filthy and corpulent, Voragga allegedly rules an extensive criminal empire with an iron fist from his desert alcazar on Reltooine. Renowned for his carnal appetite and penchant for licking Twi'leki slave girls, Voragga is a shrewd businessman and, purportedly, a powerful voice among the Hutt clans.
