Sovan Theln

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Sovan Theln
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Hapes
Mother Aryn Theln
Father Halansor Theln
Spouse Mira Scylla
Siblings Alena Theln (sister)

Leli Theln (sister)

Children None
Born Year -12 Day 145
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.8 metres
Coloring Light tan
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Dark Skies Gearworks
Rank Gearforged Pilot
Positions Recruitment Liaison, Recycler
Prior Affiliation Hapes Consortium, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Galactic Commerce Collective, Hyper-Communications Cartel
Awards Holonet Activity I, Kindleflame I
"We only get a few moments that define our lives. Some people only get one. Make your moments count."
— Sovan Theln

Sovan Aryn Theln, a Hapan born on Year -12 Day 145, is an expatriated Hapan soldier. After serving just over a year in the Hapes Consortium's navy, he resigned to form the Hyper-Communications Cartel with Edgeman Riman. On Year 13 Day 247, Sovan discovered he was replaced by Edgeman. Admitting he hit rock bottom, he considered retirement when he received a holographic message from Lilith Kaine-Delcroix to work for her in the Dark Skies Gearworks. Sovan accepted and he has been working for the Gearworks ever since.


"Never bore your audience."
— Sovan Theln

Sovan, as with most sentients in the galaxy, has a complex personality that has been formed by his time in the Hapan military, a business man, and a wreck-recycler. He both enjoys the simple things in life as well as the more complex nature of society. Though he enjoys capital ships, he also spends a lot of time in company wreckers tearing apart things.


Early Years

Sovan Theln was born into a middle-class Hapan family. He is the son of mother Aryn Theln, a gardener in one of the many royal gardens of Hapes, and father Halansor Theln, a local shopkeeper. He was named after Aryn's father, a gardener by the name of Sovanth, who died only three weeks before he was born.

Sovan had many friends through his educational career. Though he attempted to participate in many activities with his friends, he tended to spend a lot of time with one of his best friends: Mira Scylla. Mira graduated from the same collegiate institute as Sovan and lived a few blocks down the street.

Service in Hapes

The Beginning

He signed up for military service for the Hapes Consortium close to his 22nd birthday. He was assigned to the 2nd Line Fleet, a fleet that defends the Interior Worlds Region. When he arrived at the Hapes Prime Starport, he was greeted by Commodore Lamento Solar who invited him on-board his ship. Proceeding to space, he elaborated on who Sovan would take commands from. After a short hyperspace trip, he arrived in Abaem where he was shown to his ship, the Miy'Til fighter.

As he progressed in the Hapes Consortium, he began to learn more about the Consortium itself. He volunteered for many activities for Hapes, and earned a promotion to Petty Officer decently fast.

Discovering Desires and Making Changes

It was then that he realized what he wanted, a ship. Not just any ship though - he wanted a Marauder-Class Corvette. He began the trek by signing up for a InterGalactic Bank savings account.

Sovan began to enjoy the benefits of wealth near the later parts of his career in the Hapes Consortium.

About a month later, a Consortium-wide lottery raffle won him his first ship, a Firespray-class Interceptor. Figuring that he couldn't make much use with a Firespray, he sold it to a fellow Hapan. This got him closer to his goal of the Marauder-Class.

He then decided it was time for a change. After having arguments with his line officers, he asked for a transfer to another line. He was granted the request and began work in a more peaceful environment.

After a few months of service in his new squadron, Sovan was offered a new rank opportunity in the fleet by Commodore Solar. He was offered a position as Line Executive Officer of a new line. He, of course, accepted and a new squadron was born.

Leaving Hapes

A few months went by after the new line was born, Sovan was able to purchase his Maruader which he named Theln'nëta Sënnëh Erenedi (translated: Theln Family Ship Paragon). He renovated the Marauder to include a family armoury, new residences, and an updated wine cellar for his collection of wines from around the galaxy.

Sovan decided it was time to look into further opportunities. The Consortium, he felt, was a job that did not have a lot of opportunities for him. With promotions that were excruciatingly slow to achieve and did not have any more significance than an increase of pay, this harmed Sovan's belief that he could make a positive difference in the Consortium and make his family proud. Coupled with further disagreements with other Hapans, Sovan decided to submit his letter of resignation to his superior officers.

Service in the Hyper-Communications Cartel

Making Connections

Sovan, prior to leaving the Consortium, performed extensive research on an ancient society known as the Arkanian Dominion. Long since extinct, the society once dominated the Arkania sector now ruled by Mandalore. When he resigned from the Consortium, in admiration of the society they once built, he set course for Arkania in his Maruader to meet up with a Mon Calamari named Edgeman Riman.

After negotiations between Edgeman and Sovan, they agreed that a second Arkanian Dominion would be a good basis to start a new group with. Recognizing some financial issues that come with starting a new country, they decided they should bring the idea to the Confederacy of Independent Systems' Siejo Kutol. They discussed admittance into the Confederacy in the Dominion's flagship Erenedi. Siejo gladly decided to sponsor the Cartel's application in response to their help with Confederacy business.

They were joined by a woman by the name of Amarath Sha'Mordare. Amarath also wanted to help the Arkanian Dominion in whatever way she could. After earning the trust of Amarath, she decided to give ownership of her favourite ship, the Hammerhead Cruiser Immaculate, to Sovan. Sovan had the privilege of honouring Amarath in a ceremony dedicated to Amarath.

Rediscovering Purposes

"...and it was the moment that we decided we wanted to pursue entrepreneurship and build a company that we decided to stop being the Arkanian Dominion. It was that moment that we decided to form the Hyper-Communications Cartel."
— Sovan Theln during an interview with the Shadowfeed News Network

After a few months of being with the Arkanian Dominion,

Sovan during his service in the Hyper-Communications Cartel. In this image, he smiles for the camera after announcing the birth of the company.

Sovan and Edgeman discovered that the country most likely would not succeed if it was maintained in that form. It would need to be downsized and redesigned if it were to have any chance in the galaxy. They needed a plan. It was at that moment where Sovan and Edgeman both determined the best course of action would be to change the Dominion into a company.

With the birth of the Hyper-Communications Cartel on Year 13 Day 145, Sovan decided he wanted to consolidate his assets into one account for the organization to benefit from. He renamed the Erenedi to Heritage and added it to the Cartel's fleet. He also added the Immaculate to the Cartel's fleet as its flagship. He donated millions of credits and several businesses he owned to the Cartel in hopes it will succeed.

The Cartel in the Confederacy

The Cartel in the Galactic Commerce Collective

"I learned something that I probably should have thought about long before I signed that contract: if someone is trying to get you to do something that sounds and looks far too good to be true, it probably isn't."
— Sovan Theln looking back during an interview on his time with the Hyper-Communications Cartel during its membership in the Galactic Commerce Collective.

Removal from the Cartel

Sovan's removal from the Cartel was to be expected. With countless disagreements with Kain Elderan, the owner and Executive Chairman of the conglomerate, Sovan thought it was best to consider looking for another place for the Cartel. It was at that moment when Edgeman Riman took a turn and Sovan's trust was abused. Edgeman decided that the Cartel belonged in GalCom and that Sovan's services were no longer needed.

It surprised Sovan when he walked into his office aboard the C-3 Passenger Liner [HCC] Winter, or what was his office, on the morning of Year 13 Day 247. Movers were carrying out his possessions in boxes. He did not understand what was going on because word of his firing did not reach him. He did know however that something was wrong.

He immediately traveled to the bridge of the Winter. Coming out of the elevators he was met by two guards, both of which were his personal guards when he was present on the bridge. They invited him to come with them. They took him to the holo-terminal and activated a message from GalCom Corporate Headquarters. Sovan watched the hologram tell the crew and the rest of the Cartel and GalCom fleets of crimes he did not commit. He was accused of high theft of two hundred and fifty million credits, conspiracy to commit treason, conspiracy to commit a coup d'etat, and theft of the Winter itself. He watched as all he built was taken away from him. Sovan was stun cuffed and taken to the Winter's on-board detention centre.

Service in the Dark Skies Gearworks

An Unexpected Invitation

"Countess Lilith was someone that understood my position. I was wronged, and she knew that. She offered me a way to escape that nonsense. I would have been a fool to turn that offer down."
— Sovan Theln describing his decision to work for Lilith Kaine-Delcroix.

Shortly after being removed from his Chairman position and being placed under arrest, Sovan was contacted through his private holonet receiver by

Sovan after a while of working with the Dark Skies Gearworks's recycling department.

Countess Lilith Kaine-Delcroix who had an invitation for him to work for her in the Dark Skies Gearworks. She offered more than just a job: she offered a career, a change in life style, and a way to escape all the political madness that haunted Sovan for as long as he could remember.

When he was brought aboard the bridge prior to being captured, he recognized the system where he was being taken: the Aphran system in the Bilbringi sector. He knew where he would make his escape, but he needed to think of how. Sovan planned his escape every day for weeks. He knew the ship had several escape pods and no external weapons. Even better, one of the many escape pod launch bays were just down the hallway.

Sovan contacted Lilith again with his ultimate destination. He knew the Collective was not about to let someone leave the confines of his cell; he was even convinced the Collective would rather see him killed than escape. After telling Lilith his destination and estimated time of arrival, several Dark Skies Gearworkers came to his rescue, awaiting when he would drop out of hyperspace. When a passing guard walked past his jail cell, Sovan pickpocketed the key. He would not make his escape yet for fear that the rest of the ship would notice he was gone. He was clever enough to wait.

When the ship dropped out of hyperspace, Sovan acted quickly. He opened the key and rushed down the hallway out of sight of guards to the nearest escape pod. He set coordinates to dock with a Gearworks vessel and launched his escape pod, knowing the Winter was not equipped with weaponry to stop his escape.

A Second Lease On Life

Personal Ships

The Hammerhead Cruiser Immaculate
The Marauder-Class Corvette Heritage
Sovan Theln's Personal Transport

Sovan's personal fleet consists of three ships: the Hammerhead Cruiser Immaculate, the Marauder-Class Corvette Heritage, and his personal Delta-12 Skysprite.

The story behind Sovan's fascination with capital-class starships began at a young age when he was back in the Hapes Consortium. Of course, there were always grand shows of the Consortium's military power over the skies of Hapes Prime. He was fascinated by the Battle Dragons and the Nova Battle Cruisers. The squadrons of Miy'Til were only a side show to him. The real thrill was with capital ships.

When he signed up for the Royal Hapan Navy close to his 22nd birthday, he was placed with a Miy'Til squadron assigned to a Battle Dragon. After a few promotions, he was finally assigned to pilot a Nova Battle Cruiser. The Nova Battle Cruiser was his first capital ship he ever piloted and he enjoyed it so much he pledged it wouldn't be his last.

The Marauder-Class Corvette Heritage was the first capital-class starship Sovan could say he truly owned. It was originally named Erenedi which was Hapan for Paragon. It was the pride of his personal fleet. Though the old paint remains on the Heritage, Sovan felt it is a symbol of his Hapanii heritage which gave it its name. Plans for updating the paint on the Heritage has been leaked in past interviews with Sovan but he has not taken the initiative to give the Heritage a new look.

The Hammerhead Cruiser Immaculate came into Sovan's possession through his close friend, Amarath Sha'Mordare.

Personal Vehicles