Shiko Miru

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Shiko Miru
Biographical Information
Race Devaronian
Homeworld Devaron
Mother Kira Miru
Father Ajax Miru
Born Day 213, Year -10
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 5'10"
Coloring Pale skin, with well groomed horns
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Political Information
Affiliation Freelancers Alliance Day 234, Year 14 to present.

Rank Pilot
Positions Member of The Scholars Guild Day 247, Year 14 to present.


Early Years

Shiko before he left his homeworld

Shiko Miru was born on the planet of Devaron, he had the unusual characteristic of possessing both male and female sets of teeth, a genetic throwback. His mother was stern about about school and drove her boys hard in school. It had seemed like Shiko and his brother Tycho never had any free time. The only subject Shiko seemed to enjoy was history and other social sciences. He had considered going into an academy to become a historian, but the pressure from his father pushed him even further away His father, Ajax Miru, served in the military and had tried to convince his son’s to do the same. Ajax, when he was home ran his household like he would run his training academy. Having grew up in such a confined household Shiko wanted his own freedom more than anything. Ajax believed it was a family tradition to learn how to protect and to fight for what you believe in. The Miru's had a long and proud tradition of military service stretching back sixteen generations. Shiko never understood why it was so important to server in the military when all he wanted to do was see the stars. His older brother Tycho planned on living in his families shadows. His older brother enlisted into the military when he was old enough and Shiko has yet to hear anything from him or about him. Shiko had only been around for two more years after his brother left before he took off and ran away from his family when the opportunity arose.

Teenage Years

Shiko working under Rex Gelio

At 15 Shiko had the opportunity to work on the crew of a freelance freighter pilot. Rex Gelio took a liking to the young mans ambition and his ability to pick up on things quick. He trained him in every manner of running a freighter, from maintenance to piloting it. Under Rex's guidance Shiko learned even some of the more shady talents in the galaxy. Rex was also a smuggler and would even do some mercenary work. Shiko found himself learning how to work the streets of a city gathering information. He learned the times when to use your words and when to draw your pistol. Before long Shiko even learned to run a small group of guys to infiltrate, steal and kidnap for any job Rex could get his hands on. Shiko loved the thrill and the excitement of working on the fringes of society. He saw, understood and thrived in a side of the galaxy he never knew existed. He had found something that was so against what his father had wanted he felt right at home doing it. He thrived in these situations and was always either talented or lucky enough to scrape by and finish the job. He stayed on Rex's crew for seven years until he had learned enough to try a run at being independent. With Rex's blessing he left and started looking for work, he wished he had saved more of the credits he earned instead of spending them in the bars. For two more years he piloted any ship his many employers would provide to move supplies across the galaxy. He took any job any of his contacts from working under Rex would give him, but he could never find a crew that was consitant and talented enough to work for him. He spent most of his time working on the fringes of society, doing any job and keeping criminals as friends. Shiko finally signed on to the Freelancers Alliance in hope for steady work in order to finally purchase his own ship, and to finally find a crew worth keeping around.

Time at Freelancers Alliance

"We are freelancers and neutral. No questions, no curiosity. You pay, we deliver."
— Freelancers Alliance Slogan
Shiko working under Hans Miller's Freelancers Alliance

Shiko finally decided he needed money and a steady job to back his goals of running his own ship. He contacted Hans Miller about a job working at the Freelancers Alliance on Day 234, Year 14. Hans set Shiko up with a ship to fly and got him working on transporting ships around the galaxy. He started with a Y-wing that was assigned to him so he could pilot, it was a bit smaller then what he was used to but he made it work. All he needed was something to tide him over till he could afford his own YT-2000 or YT-2600. Shiko was set up with job after job with days of hyperspace travel. This was dull work for Shiko, he found himself growing very bored during hyperspace travels so he looked for something to invest his time into. Looking through the holocron he found The Scholars Guild and decided to submit and application on Day 247, Year 14 to join their ranks. He figured it would be good to learn about the past to better exploit those in the future. Shikoo would continue to balance the life of a logistics pilot and a historic scholar for some time.

Work with the Scholars Guild

After contacting Rennek Cor about The Scholars Guild, Shiko began looking through the library. He saw the potential in it and the realization of what a daunting task it will be to fill its shelves. He began right away typing his first article he would submit to the library From The Je'daii Order to Modern Day Force Users; A Brief History and Analyses .

Abilities and Personality

Skills and Abilities

Through his life Shiko has learned a few abilities that has kept him alive and has left him to be an asset in any group.

  • Experienced Fighter/Frieghter pilot
  • Street Smart
  • Crew Leadership
  • Repairing and maintenance of ships and computers
  • Small group tactics


Shiko had no qualms about lying, breaking the law, or hiring thugs during his life, as long as the end justified the means and he finished the job. He has worked for many people and corporations and has always ensured he left a positive lasting impression. He had even kept contact with many of the criminals he worked with and for so as to have someone in his corner no matter what part of the galaxy he was in. While Shiko was serious when he needed to be, he had a distinct and rather grim sense of humor and was quite flirtatious with many females. He holds trust and loyalty high in his heart and mind, and values them more then his passion to complete his job. He wants to be a self reliant man, and most of all wants to make something of himself to show his father he didn't need the military.