Amaranalah Jou

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Amaranalah Jou
Biographical Information
Race Human
Quote "We are made of cruel passions."
Physical Description
Gender Female
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Black Sun
Title Vigo
Positions Ex-Jedi Praxium Navy XO
Ex-Novatech Intel Director
Ex-Kathol Republic Senator
Ex-Black Watch CO
Prior Affiliation Jedi Praxium
Kathol Republic

Amaranalah "Nalah" Jou was a female Human and a Vigo in the Black Sun crime syndicate. She was a moderately tall woman with shoulder-length blond hair and dark blue eyes. She often dressed smartly in expensive clothing.


Disenchanted with the idealistic and naive approaches to peace employed by the likes of the Jedi Praxium and the New Republic, Nalah Jou found herself turning to the criminal underworld in the hopes of finding a sense of purpose to her life. She found that with the Black Sun, with whom she had long been linked to through former employer's Adam A Flynn and the late Irving Howie. Living for the Family, loyalty was of uttermost importance to this Vigo.