Blue Sabre Transportation

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Blue Sabre Transportation
General Information
Status {{{status}}}
Leader {{{leader}}}
Historical Information
Founded {{{founded}}}
Political Information
Industry {{{industry}}}

Blue Sabre Transportation was a transportation company founded by Sterik Hasger and Nemesi Nemsien on Year 3 Day 30. Following a territorial conflict with Rik Avner's Twin Star Mining corporation, Hasger transferred ownership of the company to Vodo Bonias' Dark Empire in exchange for financial and military support. The Dark Empire later executed most of the organization's loyal personnel which caused a mass exodus by its membership. Hasger and Nemsien later formed the short-lived Baldoran Alliance — allegedly funded by Emperor Charon — before starting Corellian Transport Services in Year 6.


Blue Sabre Transportation was set up to provide a service. That service is the safe, secure, and private transportation of private customers, company employees and many other customers. We do not hold a bias against anyone in the Galaxy, and to this end we are willing to meet the requirements of a wide range of groups. After careful consideration of the climate that this universe finds itself in today, Blue Sabre Transportation has decided that a major part of the company will have to be security. To this end it has been decided that all transportation will carry security officers, and will, when necessary include a fighter escort. It is not our intention to become a major military force in the Galaxy, but we feel that it would be unwise of us if we did not provide these measures. This not only safeguards ourselves and our company, but more importantly it safeguards our customers. This is what we feel is important. And... it is all included in the price. Blue Sabre Transportation will provide the following services. Personal Transportation for private customers. Personal Transportation for employees. Group Transportation and Bulk freight transportation Personal security for all transportation service provided. Prisoner Transportation Other services will be available as the company grows.


Coming Soon


Logo circa Year 5.
Main article: Timeline
  • Year 3 Day 30: Blue Sabre Transportation, led by Sterik Hasger, opens for business.
  • Year 3 Day 352: Uther Von Kaldreon replaces Blackthorne as leader of Blue Sabre Transportation.
  • Year 4 Day 71: Uther Von Kaldreon of Blue Sabre Transportation evicts all foreigners from Balfron.


  • (Year 4)
  • (Year 5)

See also