Los Luum

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Los T. Luum
Biographical Information
Race Devaronian
Homeworld Devaron
Spouse currently divorced from an unknown Devaronian
Siblings Alessandro De Caito
Children mentioned in passing, but names and amount not known
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.0 metres
Political Information
Affiliation Outlanders
Rank Outlanders Founding Member, Outlanders de facto Leader


Los Luum was born somewhere circa Year -13. He was raised by his mother, after his father, in traditional devaronian fashion took off to seek his fortunes amongst the stars. Since then he has not seen hide nor hair of his father, and deep down wonders what may have happened to him. As he grew, Los had a number of different odd jobs before finally finding his calling as a used freighter salesman and pawner of items of questionable legality. Operating from a small cave in the wilds of the western mountains, Los not only acquired barely running freighters, he also became a self-taught hyperdrive mechanic and would spend many hours dissecting the mysterious and dangerous machines that were barely working and combining them with next generation parts to improve the ships' speeds while travelling at faster-than-light speeds. Here he operated in semi-secrecy for many years, being one of few Devaronian males who did not immediately set off into the galaxy to seek his fortune, preferring to bide his time making money at home and visiting his wife in the city on a semi-frequent basis until she ran him off, which usually happened after a few days. Still, this did not dissaude Los and he would return several times a month to visit his wife and younglings.


In addition to reapiring and rebuilding hyperdrives, Los also found that he had developed a knack for laundering money and stolen materials, and in doing so crossed the paths of a few more wealthy offworld clients, including a rumored hyperdrive explosion that killed the entire family of a wealthy nemoidian bussiness tychoon. At this time, Los decided that it might finally be time to partake of the legacy of his people and make his way into the stars. Obtaining passage off planet from a well known female pirate and assassin, she took pity on Los and provided him with a ship and basic equipment in hopes that he could survive another day.

While on Devaron, Los had a few rare opportunities to interact with alien species and most of his business was conducted with the furred females of his species along with the occassional offworld businessbeing; although his knowledge of other races and peoples in the galaxy was severly limited. During his journeying amongst the stars, Los discovered that his enjoyment of female company increased greatly, reminding him of his wife back home, to which he attempted to remain loyal for some time. This all took a turn for the worst when fate intervened and introduced Los to the smooth skinned Twi'lek dancers of ryloth and his loyalty faultered for a moment. Eventually word of his indiscretions reached home and Los found himself a single Devaronian alone in the galaxy. With his newfound loneliness (or freedom as some would see it) Los took to befriending any who made his day a little bit brighter, doing his best to keep the thought that it was not safe for him to return to his homeworld at bay. This resulted in Los appearing to be an insatible flirt; though in truth, he simply enjoyed the company of any manner of beautiful beings.

During this time, Los also befriended an Anzati known as Alessandro de Caito. The two took to referring to themselves as the demon and the vampire and joking regularly about the frightening mythos that surrounded both of their species, as many found themselves uncomfortable in their presence.


During his time in the galaxy, operating as a rogue businessman and fly-by-night hyperdrive repairman, Los was approached by the management of the Telgorn Corporation who wanted him to aist them in creating their company. Having little in the way of business offers at the time, Los readily agreed and lent his business expertise to assist in founding the ill-fated company. After founding, Los agains was struck by Devaronian wanderlust. Not wanting to be confined to an office helping to run the day to day operations of a business from behind a holoscreen, Los took his leave of Telgorn Corp and quite soon found himself lining up to learn the ways of the rogue Mandalorians known as The Death Watch.

It became abudantly clear to Los shortly after joining The Death Watch that he was not cut out to be a Mandalorian. He was, afterall, a mechanic, businessman, and con, not a barbaric warrior; and so before he could find himself on the receiving end of a blaster or a blade, Los escaped back into the stars.

Wandering the galaxy with little purpose, did little to serve Los' desire to be a part of something, and Los continued to seek out a place to belong that would still allow his flights of fancy to blossum. It was here that he signed up to work alongside The Black Curs and he soon found himself in a management position overseeing teams of builders as The Curs sought to claim an entire system to their cause. After working for a time, Los lost all contact with his superiors and despite multiple efforts to regain contact with them was left alone with his building crews planetside. Not knowing what else to do, Los allowed his natural wanderlust to guide him and he resigned from his position and took to the stars.

In an odd twist of fate, Los found himself making his way to Candoria at roughly the same time as Alessandro De Caito, also seeking employment. He found it in the form of Xucphra a member group of the Mecrotica conglomerate led by Doctor Spree Razzix. The Doctor saw Los' desire to wander and quickly pput him to work ploughing the hyperlanes under the Xucphra flag.