John Bourne

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John Bourne
Biographical Information
Race Corellian (Human)
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Scarlette Bourne
Father Jack Bourne
Siblings Michael Bourne, Logan Bourne, Emily Bourne, Alex Bourne
Born Year -14 Day 98
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 182cm
Eye Color Grey
Political Information
Affiliation n/a
Prior Affiliation Galactic Empire, Medusa

John Bourne (born Year -14 Day 98) is a Corellian freelancer and the younger brother of entrepreneur Michael Bourne. John is the second oldest in a family of two elder brothers (one of them deceased) and two younger sisters. Despite being born into privilege, John rejected all family norms and conventions while growing up and is quietly regarded as somewhat of a renegade. As such he has no formal association with family-owned enterprise Medusa despite all offers, and seeks to carve out his own path in the galaxy.

Early life

See also: Bourne Family

As a young boy, John was noticeably different to his two older brothers. While Michael and Logan often found themselves in the centre of large groups of other children, John was often an outlier and spent a lot of his time bullying other children. This was of some concern to his parents who sent him to a child psychologist who largely determined that John was actually a genius but due to his restless nature he was destined to have some trouble following rules. Such a diagnosis was reflective of the overall theme of his childhood, as he found himself getting involved in street gangs from a young age and committing crimes such as petty theft. It was not before he was a teenager however when he graduated into aggravated and armed robbery, and started finding himself in trouble with the law.

Thanks to his family's connections in Imperial society John was able to avoid facing a court on the secret condition that John's parents reigned him in. Fearing that John would end up spending a life behind bars his parents enlisted the help of their oldest son and golden child, Michael Bourne. Michael and John spent some time together and for a while John had come back from the brink. Both brothers attended the University of Coruscant where John studied law which he found quite easy, if not boring. As a result, it was not long before he started getting mixed up in his old ways; drugs, gambling, and an insatiable addiction to women. John dropped out of law school and it was not long before he had left his college home on Coruscant to follow a lifestyle of crime and hedonism.


Gangs and crime

"I do what I want, when I want... and there's nobody around who will ever stop me!" - John Bourne

One of John's alleged robberies.

After disappearing into the galaxy John mostly committed himself to illegal, lucrative ventures. Given that he had witnessed what he saw as corruption in the Empire first hand, he had no qualms with hijacking freighters, and robbing prominent businesses and individuals with ties to his old life. He began to get into the distribution and sale of drugs and other contraband. Every so often John would work as an independent contractor to many of the organised crime groups doing anything from running customs to collecting debts. On one occasion he was asked to work on a project on which he discovered that his client at the time was kidnapping and selling women for sexual slavery; he broke the guy's arm in three places and warned him that if he ever was ever found to be doing business again John would come back and finish him personally. This was one of only a couple of times that John drew a boundary in the type of work he would get involved in- he wants to collect currency, not hurt people. John views crime as a means to an end not an end in of itself.

He continued his career for some time and built up somewhat of a reputation among thieves as a go to guy if you ever wanted to get anything done. Although he has affiliated, he has never formally been a part of any particular crime organisation- preferring to avoid limiting his opportunities and working with personal associates. He operated as the head of a small crew committing crimes for currency, and occasionally enforcing on behalf of larger gangs. It was dangerous work but the money was worthwhile. Nobody ever took him beating someone to an inch of their life personally.

On Year 15, Day 325, his record of never being captured by police came to an abrupt end when he and a couple of others from his crew were arrested during a hijacking near New Republic space. He had been wanted for some time by the authorities of multiple jurisdictions, the judge threw the book at him and he was sentenced to 24 years in a maximum security penitentiary for charges including grievous bodily harm, racketeering, obstruction of justice, illegal gambling, extortion, tax evasion, fraud, and grand larceny. He would never find out until he faced court that he was arrested due to intelligence given by a mole within his own crew, as part of an arrest plea bargain. John wasn't even furious, just disappointed. The amount of time he had invested with this person was enough that he considered him a part of his own family. He seethed quietly without breaking eye contact as his so called-brother testified against him.

Once in jail John quickly identified the hierarchy between prisoners and put together a small crew to operate in a similar fashion to the one he formed on the outside. Initially focusing on smuggling and trading, he preferred to keep a smaller profile and only used violence in self-defence. As his skills were useful to the network the larger gangs fought one another but left him alone. He was neural and profited from everyone and everything. He quickly became someone nobody would mess with, given that he was not involved with any of the petty disputes and that his enterprise had become a systemically important institution. It also helped that he had formed a good relationship with the staff of the prison and ensured they received their necessary kickbacks.