Adin Cole

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Adin Cole
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Physical Description
Gender Male
Eye Color Hazel
Political Information
Affiliation Infinite Empire
Rank Minister of Defense
Positions High Council
Prior Affiliation Galactic Empire
"I resigned my commission and wandered the galaxy, until one day I met Uther Von Kaldreon..."
Adin Cole

Adin Cole is a Corellian male serving as Minister of Defense in the Infinite Empire. Cole was recruited into the Infinite Empire by Emperor Uther Von Kaldreon. Defence Minister Cole climbed the ranks of the fleet before becoming a member of the High Council. As a member of the Ministry of Defense, Cole oversees both the 1st Imperial Fleet and the 1st Imperial Army.

Minister of Defense
Preceded By:
Adin Cole
Year 16 Day 292 — Present
Succeeded By:

Commanding Officer
Preceded By:
Adin Cole
Year 14 Day 299 Year 16 Day 236
Succeeded By:
Rar Lunko