Colmax Watt

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Colmax Watt
Biographical Information
Race Duros
Homeworld Duro
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation The Blood Razors
Rank Sgt. at Arms
"You're looking at the best freighter pilot money can buy."
— Colmax Watt

Colmax Watt is a tall, thin, and blue Duros with bulbous red eyes and head. He carries a light brown duster from his cartel days. He has a blaster scar from being shot in the back and uses it as a constant reminder of his betrayal. He is addicted to deathsticks and alcohol, and has a strong hatred of Neimoidians.



Colmax is the oldest of his brothers and sisters, in a family of seven. Colmax learned to fly at the age of twelve. At age sixteen, he was the best pilot for one of the cartels on Duro and admitted into the boss' inner circle. Four years after, he was shot in the back by the same boss and left for dead. After being in a coma for a month, he decided to leave Duro and get work as a smuggler. While boarding the transport, he met a steely eyed Weequay named Rar Lunko and the two became fast friends.

Second Galactic Civil War

Shortly after, Colmax joined The Infinite Empire and became a midshipman. After he defected, nothing else is known.


Blood Razors

Personality and traits

Colmax is addicted to deathsticks and alcohol, and has a strong hatred of Neimoidians.

External links