Holocron:Featured Articles/2025/June

The Wendel Corporation (WC), also known as WendelCo., was a shortlived umbrella entity that owned and managed the Bank Corellia. Although existing for generations, the Wendel Corporation was formally chartered on Year 1 Day 13 by Wester Wendel, an eccentric Corellian mogul, who was the determined grandson of industrialist Walter Wendel. Graduates and young interns of the prestigious Coronet University staffed the corporation. The staff included President Wester Wendel, Vice President Kether Möbius, and Morph Dysan, who also served as Executive Officer for the InterGalactica Lottery. As a formal entity, the organization briefly existed for five solar months — from Year 1 Day 13 to Year 1 Day 161 — before stagnating due to a galactic recession. Following its dissolution, the majority of personnel in WendelCo. transferred to other financial institutions or merchant guilds in the galaxy. (Full article...)