Turben Dawk

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Turben Dawk
Biographical Information
Race Lasat
Homeworld Lasan
Born Year -7 Day 342
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.17 meters
Weight 147 kilograms
Political Information
Affiliation JOLogo.png Jedi Order
Rank Jedi Knight
  • The Resistance Operation Kuiil Service Medal
Op Kuiil - Arvala.jpeg

Turben Dawk is a Lasat Jedi Knight and a member of the Jedi Order. He is originally from Lasan but now resides at the Jedi Temple on Lorahns.


Early Life

Turben Dawk was born on the planet Lasan, in the heart of the Lasat city of Fahl`kunia. His early life was marked by the proud traditions of his family and the vibrant culture of his people. His father, Kael Dawk, was a respected member of the Lasat Honor Guard, who had served with distinction. His mother, Nera Dawk, was a talented cook, known for her delicious recipes and warm hospitality. From a young age, Turben was fascinated by the ships that traveled through the skies of Lasan, carrying cargo and passengers to distant worlds. He would often sneak away from his studies to watch the ships take off and land, dreaming of the day he could pilot his own vessel and explore the galaxy. As he grew older, Turben's interest in ships and travel only intensified, and he spent many hours poring over star charts and listening to tales of adventure from traveling spacers. Despite his parents' wishes for him to follow in his father's footsteps and join the Honor Guard, Turben's heart was set on exploring the galaxy and discovering new worlds.

Embarking Into The Galaxy

In year 12, Turben Dawk bid farewell to his homeworld of Lasan and embarked on a journey through the galaxy. He landed his first job as a freighter pilot for Dukha Transport, a reputable transport company. He flew ships like the Gallofree GR-75 medium transport and the BFF-1 bulk freighter, hauling goods and cargo to various corners of the galaxy.

Turben's hard work paid off, and he soon saved enough credits to purchase his own ship - a sturdy YT-2000 freighter he named Pathfinder. With his trusty vessel by his side, Turben left Dukha Transport behind and ventured into the unknown as a freelance pilot.

He took on odd jobs and explored the galaxy, meeting new faces and encountering strange worlds. For a brief period, he even worked with a Mandalorian group, learning about their culture and honing his skills.

But fate had other plans. During Turben's time away from Lasan, the hyperlane route to his homeworld mysteriously degraded, and travel to the planet became impossible. The once-reliable route was now treacherous, and ships that attempted to travel to Lasan never returned.

Despite the loss, Turben held onto hope. He always believed that Lasan would be found again, that the hyperlane would be restored, and he would reunite with his people.

The Force Revealed

As Turben navigated the galaxy, he began to realize that his exceptional reflexes and piloting skills were more than just natural talent. He often felt a strange, intuitive connection to the ships he flew, as if he could sense the mechanics and dynamics before they even happened. In intense combat situations, he could almost anticipate his opponents next moves, dodging blaster shots and striking with precision, his movements guided by instinct. During a stop at the Yavin Trading Port, he stumbled upon a group offering Force sensitivity testing. Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to undergo the test. The test results confirmed his long-held intuition: Turben possessed a connection to the Force, a latent ability waiting to be explored and honed. The discovery opened up new possibilities and questions for him.

The Jedi Path

After discovering his Force sensitivity, Turben contemplated his next step. He had always admired the Jedi and their noble quest for peace and justice, and now, with the galaxy embroiled in the flames of rebellion, he felt a burning desire to join the fight against the Empire. Eager to contribute to the rebellion and Jedi efforts and help restore freedom to the galaxy, Turben reached out to Master Russ Leman, the leader of the Jedi Order. Following a thoughtful conversation with Master Leman, Turben decided to take the next step and apply to join the Jedi Order as an initiate. His application was forwarded to the Jedi Council for review, and soon after, he received the news he had hoped for: his application was accepted.

Turben's first instructions were to join the Jedi in the Sluis Sector, where he would be assigned to work in the Jedi-controlled Dagobah system. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, he made his way to the system, eager to begin his training and contribute to the greater good. As he arrived, he was tasked with assisting in logistical operations, aiding in the rehabilitation of the system's infrastructure. Through his hard work and determination, Turben consistently demonstrated his potential and growth, catching the attention of the Jedi Masters. He was eventually deemed ready to face the Padawan Trials, which he successfully completed, qualifying as a Padawan learner and paving the way for his journey towards becoming a full-fledged Jedi Knight.

Jedi Padawan

Turben was assigned to be the Padawan of Lilith Sarka, a Jedi with a rich and complex history. Lilith's past was marked by a significant transformation, having once served as a Sith Lord named Darth Khaemtir in the Galactic Empire and The Sith Imperium. However, during the tumultuous Tolonda Conflict, she underwent a profound shift in her beliefs and defected to the light side, joining the Jedi Order. Her unique experiences and perspectives made her an intriguing mentor, and Turben was eager to learn from her wisdom and guidance.

Lilith's teachings went beyond the traditional Jedi doctrine. She shared her hard-won insights, gleaned from her own experiences as Darth Khaemtir. "The dark side is not just a simple binary opposite of the light," she explained. "It's a complex web of temptations, tailored to individual weaknesses. Like an addiction, it can creep in unnoticed, exploiting our deepest fears and desires."

Turben listened intently as Lilith emphasized the importance of self-awareness. "To avoid the dark side, you must first understand yourself. Know your own vulnerabilities, your triggers, and your motivations. Only then can you develop the strength to resist its pull."

Lilith's words resonated deeply with Turben. He realized that his own journey was not just about mastering the Force, but also about understanding himself. He felt a sense of gratitude towards Lilith, for sharing her wisdom and guiding him along this path.

Under Lilith Sarka's guidance, Turben's training regimen was well-rounded and demanding. She emphasized the importance of balance, insisting that he devote equal attention to three key aspects: Force training, mental clarity, and physical conditioning.

In the training rooms, Turben honed his lightsaber techniques with a training saber, its blade shimmering with a reduced intensity to minimize the risk of injury. He practiced intricate Force exercises, learning to harness his energy and focus his thoughts. He spent hours in meditation, seeking to quiet his mind and connect with the living Force. And in the training grounds, he pushed his physical limits, building strength, agility, and endurance.

Lilith watched over him with a keen eye, offering wisdom and correction when needed. "A Jedi must be a harmonious blend of body, mind, and spirit," she would say. "No aspect can be neglected, lest the others suffer."

An Elegant Weapon

Turben's journey to the Dark Side Cave on Dagobah was a pivotal moment in his young Jedi career. The cave, a nexus of dark side energy, was said to hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the Force. Dawk's mission was to retrieve a kyber crystal, a crucial component in the construction of his lightsaber.

As Dawk ventured deeper into the cave, he was met with a barrage of dark side visions, manifestations of his deepest fears and doubts. The young Jedi was forced to confront the specter of his own darkness, a trial by fire that tested his resolve and connection to the light side of the Force.

Dawk's journey was soon interrupted by a ferocious Terentatek, a creature attuned to the dark side energies that permeated the cave. The ensuing battle was intense, with Dawk employing his training and skill to hold off the beast's relentless assault. Ultimately, the young Jedi emerged victorious, his determination and strength proving too great for the Terentatek to overcome.

Exhausted but triumphant, Dawk pressed on, driven by his goal. His efforts were rewarded when he stumbled upon a kyber crystal formation, its power resonating in harmony with his own. With reverence, Dawk harvested the crystal, its energy attuning to his own, a bond that would forever connect him to the heart of the Force.

With the kyber crystal in hand, Turben returned to his master, Lilith Sarka, eager to begin the next stage of his journey: constructing his lightsaber. Under Lilith's guidance, Turben carefully assembled the weapon, incorporating pieces of his Lasat Bo-Rifle, a gift from his father before he left Lasan. The hilt took shape, a testament to Turben's connection to his heritage and his family.

As Turben constructed his lightsaber, he meditated and focused his thoughts, channeling his energy into the weapon. The process required patience and dedication, and it took several attempts before he finally succeeded in bringing the saber to life. With a surge of excitement, Turben ignited the blade, and a brilliant yellow light filled the space, signifying the completion of his lightsaber.

Jedi Adventures

Turben continued his Jedi training under the guidance of Sarka. Together, they traversed the galaxy, undertaking various missions on behalf of the Jedi Order. Their travels took them to esteemed locations such as the B'omarr Monastery and the Fountain of the Ancients, where Turben honed his skills and deepened his understanding of the Force.

When Turben's dear friend and mentor, Jedi Master Rivain Dumat, flirted with the darkness, Turben was faced with an immense challenge. Rivain, who had guided Turben in his own Jedi journey, had been tempted by the dark side's allure. Turben, recalling the valuable lessons he had learned from Lilith about her own experiences with the dark side, skillfully navigated the delicate situation. With compassion and steadfast determination, he helped Rivain rediscover the light, salvaging their bond and reaffirming the power of their friendship and shared commitment to the Jedi Order.

Turben was promoted to the rank of Jedi by Jedi Master Thragg Craghorn in recognition of his exemplary actions, remarkable growth in connection to the Force, and unwavering dedication to the Order. He then assumed a command role in Jedi Operations and led a mission to the Gas Giant Sty, located in the Dagobah system, which had been overrun by bandit groups. Under his strategic leadership, the Jedi forces defeated the bandits, liberated the planet, and rebuilt its infrastructure, restoring hope and stability to its inhabitants.

Jedi Knight

In Year 25, Turben participated in Operation Kuiil, a Resistance-led campaign in the newly discovered Arvala system. As part of the surface operations team on the planet Arvala-6, Turben collaborated with a diverse group of allies, including Jedi Salgor Kressen, Belwarmec Al-Thorac, Va`Li Owa, and Noghri Military Officer Lief Ragnos. Through their combined efforts, they successfully eradicated hostile bandit forces and helped secure the planet for allied control. For his actions during Operation Kuiil, Turben was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight by Jedi Master Thragg Craghorn.