Tabty Haasza

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Tabty Haasza
Biographical Information
Race Thyferran
Homeworld Naboo
Mother Heidi Rawhe Haasza
Father Alan Haasza
Spouse Megan Haasza (Divorced)
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year -21 Day 21 (Age 35)
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.1 meters
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Akheton Corporation
Title Owner and CEO
Rank [M-5] President
Awards Trade Federation Citizen

Tabty Haasza is currently leader and owner of the Akheton Corporation, a neutral conglomerate of companies.



Teenage Years


Employment History

Market Trading

Racing Career

Krieg's Run

The Grand Galaxy Tour

Personal Life


Recognizing the overwhelming need for more kindhearted individuals, Tabty sometimes takes it upon himself to indulge in philanthropic ventures. Often times, these ventures are funded through Akheton's profits or on occasion from Tabty's personal funds because as Tabty puts it, "being a billionaire has its advantages." Although many of the smaller donations and assistance to other sentients are never kept on record, a few of the larger scale and more successful programs still exist and have information available.

One Sandcrawler Per Jawa


One Sandcrawler Per Jawa (OSPJ) was a program started by Tabty Haasza through Akheton Vehicle Corporation, because all across the galaxy, there are countless Jawas who are unhomed, forced to live either in human domiciles, or aboard vast starships constantly moving from starport to starport. The conditions in these facilities are horrendous by Jawa standards, often furnished with such 'luxuries' as carpets, refresher stations and beds! A true Jawa longs for the sand-blasted durasteel of their own sandcrawler, surviving along with their tribe in the deserts of Tatooine scavaging droids for sale to the local moisture farmers.

The program consists of an Akheton customer paying full price of one Sandcralwer (the customer's), and half of another (the Jawa's). What happens then is Tabty Haasza and the Akheton Corporation pick up the remainder of the tab and donate the Sandcrawler to a Jawa in need completely free of charge to them. It gives the opportunity for everyone to be charitable who might not otherwise have the method or the means to.

Akheton Corporation says it is their belief that there are not enough charitable causes in the galaxy. Too many people are engrossed on their own selfish ambitions of credits and power, and very few people work for causes to help others in need. There are other groups who invest in similar causes, but they are doing their investment for a return on their end.

Galactic Rescue Ops

Tabty was approached by a new up and coming pilot in the Galaxy, Mouse Woodlake, in Year 13 on Day 222. The young captain had grand ideas of starting a company that would provide service to the the new people of the Galaxy completely free of charge. In order to accomplish these dreams, Mouse needed ships, a planet to call home base, and the backing of a well-known individual to attest to his trustworthiness. Although Tabty couldn't provide staff or the passion to get his business of the ground, he could help out with the material items.

Mouse was able to air a commercial throughout the Galaxy advertising his company which was not yet off the ground. Tabty endorsed this service, and allowed Mouse to use both Tabty's and Akheton Corporation's name. Soon after the commercial aired, large amounts of other support and donatations to the cause flooded in. It was through these donations and the kindness of others that Mouse was eventually able to start his own official company, Galactic Rescue Ops. The rescue operation is still active and helping the new and poor people of the Galaxy.

Political Views

Much like the views of his corporation, Haasza makes a point to remain neutral in the Galactic war. He believes that all sentients in the Galaxy should be treated equal, regardless of race. He also attempts to gain as many friends as possible, and do business in a way that will attract positive attention rather than the negative attention that Akheton used to get under former rule.

After taking over the company from Darwyn Vercades, Tabty had his work cut out for him to remove Akheton's name from several criminal lists and black lists Galaxy wide. As of Year 14 Day 20, he had done just that and restored the neutrality of Akheton that is so important to him. This ideal is further reinforced when Tabty was accepted as a citizen of the Trade Federation, and is rumored to be attempting citizenship through the highly neutral Avance Coalition.

Love and Loss

Megan Haasza

Haasza is never seen with a woman on his arm. It had been that way as long as people could remember, up until Year 12 Day 55. It was then that he married his coworker and fellow faction leader, Megan Haasza. At the time, Megan was in charge of running Akheton's ship building company, Akheton Cosmonautic Corporation. The two were often seen spending days upon days together, and always requesting vacation time over the same period of days. It seemed they were inseparable.

Everything was going great, until one morning Tabty awoke in stun cuffs in the ship of Akheton Security Force's director, Rochi Zaraki. It was at this time that Haasza learned about the allegations he was being accused of, and that they came about due to a conversation his wife had with then Lord Marshall Tar Alaks. Megan had asked Lord Marshall Alaks to become part of the Black Sun and would do anything, including bringing down Akheton, to do so. Megan had also mentioned that Tabty was interested in joining the Black Sun and would take part in whatever Alaks saw fit. Almost immediately, Tar had notified Darwyn Vercades of Akheton who then instructed that the Haasza's be brought to him to stand trial for treason.

After hearing all the evidence against both Tabty and Megan, it was up to the employees of Akheton and the citizens of Naboo to determine guilt. The employees were outraged that Tabty had been arrested, as he was their leader and someone they had always trusted. They found him innocent of all charges, and demanded that he be let go and reinstated as the President of Akheton Mining Corporation. Megan, on the other hand, admitted to her crimes and using Tabty's name in an attempt to gain credibility. She was found guilty of treason and sentenced to serve a 5 year prison sentence for her crimes against Akheton.

It was at this time that Tabty realized Megan was causing him trouble that he did not need, and he petitioned the Naboo Royal Courts for a divorce. It was granted shortly after. Tabty is again never seen with a woman on his arm.

Personal Effects

Storm 29

Prized Vessels
