Vexander Graves

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Vexander Graves
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Kimberly Graves nee Smith
Father Nihl Graves (Adoptive) Krucek Aruu (Biological)
Siblings Keibak Aruu
Born Year -12 Day 235
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.82m
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation The Jedi Order / Galactic Alliance
Title Jedi Master
Prior Affiliation New Republic / Falleen Federation / Antarian Rangers / Aratech / Freedom Warriors / Potentium Order

""Vexander Graves"" is a male corellian Jedi Master. Known by his constant smile and peculiar way to see life as a whole, he was once the youngest member of the Jedi Order holding the title of Master and at the same time member of the Council until the appointment of Jedi Master John Theta.