Holocron:Featured Articles/2014/February

The New Republic, often abbreviated as NR, is a sovereign government and the foremost advocate of democracy in the galaxy. Originally known as the Rebel Alliance, the Alliance controversially merged in Year 8 with the SoroSuub Corporation and reformed itself as the New Republic. Its current potentate is the eighth Chief of State Kara DuMonte. It is the only government with annual elections for its leader, and is also known to have an elected legislature. It is also one of the founding members of the Galactic Alliance. The New Republic holds dominion over numerous sectors. Its capital planet of Republica is a ecumenopolis much like Coruscant. It is believed that, while the New Republic cannot deny the Galactic Empire's existence and control over Coruscant, the New Republic seeks to recreate the Old Republic in its own territories away from the Empire's control. (Full article...)