I once was lost, but now I'm found.

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Article posted on the Galactic News Service by Doc Jessa on Day 170 of Year 11.

The following message has been relayed through the communication channels of Fuzz Inc. via the realm of the Binaros Smuggling Alliance...

Crime flourishes throughout the galaxy. Regardless of how many credits governments and security agencies spend on fleets, Golan defense towers and training of personnel, crime will always exist, sometimes manifesting itself as a punk Cathar stealing some food from a local market, to kidnapping. Doc Jessa reporting for Fuzz Inc. on intercepts we have received from the Hoth System in Pentastar Alignment space. Reports are surfacing that Lira Ryuujin-Diggins was victim of failed execution attempt at the hands of Karl Korne, the self titled Sith`ari of the Sith Empire. The Lady of Olys Socorro was assisting her once trusted associate, Karl Korne, by delivering a package to his private vessel, when without notice his betrayal become apparent, and she was subdued in cold metal stun cuffs. What appears to be alarming is that without warning and regard galactic sentients can be captured at whim, without political protection. Lucky for Miss Diggins however, she was able to intercept various communications regarding her arrest due to poor security measures by Korne, and managed to transmit her location to a reconnaissance and Special Forces unit operating throughout the surrounding systems. After a quick intercept, Lira managed to escape captivity at the opportune moment while Karl Korne lay resting in the cockpit. Questions are being continually asked however as to how the Head of a Security establishment was able to be captured, and a number of once loyal followers and investors have been seen speaking with other security firms to secure new contracts in fear that Olys Socorro cannot do the job effectively.

While Lira continues to spend some time in a Bacta tank following some brutal injures at the hands of Karl, sentients around Penastar Alignment space have begun to grow restless, questioning their leaders about how Mr. Korne, who claimed to be an enemy of the Galactic Alliance, and indeed the Penastar Alignment was able to penetrate their galactic borders, and hide on one of their most populated planets. Despite Hoth being a rugged landscape with many caves and snowstorms, the Alignment has been constantly building cities and population centers around the planet, clearing a number of caves for expansions, while having large patrols wander the spanning horizon, people must ask the question as to how they were not seen, or did the Alignment identify Mrs. Diggins and simply decide to condone the kidnapping and eventual murder of the a galactic citizen? Curious of an answer, a number of Fuzz Inc. representatives landed on Hoth to interview a number of citizens loyal to the Pentastar Alignment. While a select few refuted the claims, believing the accusations to be mere puffery, the large selection of sentients interviewed were outraged at the claim, "The thought that the Pentastar Alignment harbors criminals is unbelievable. Coming to Hoth, I thought I would be away from fear and crime, instead, an enemy of the Alignment wanders its sacred surface? I feel so betrayed!" claimed one human working on the construction effort. After the interview he was seen disabling all construction equipment on a neighboring construction area, before walking off towards to main city, visibly disgusted. With bounties on his head upwards of fifty million credits along with a Tax planet, for such a wanted criminal to wander so freely around governmental space, the Penastar Alignment must secure their borders more effectively to protect their citizens.

Regardless of the sanctity of the border, a number of cultural and ethical issues also continue to arise throughout Alignment space. Communication hubs were awash with advertisements about Mrs. Diggins' capture, but despite the arrest, she was also being offered as a slave in Pentastar Alignment space. Rumors also continue to circulate that the Head of State of the Alignment, Daneel Olivaw was keen to purchase Mrs. Diggins for himself for her previous indiscretions of years past. With no details of these indiscretions, it can only shed a negative light on the Pentastar Alignment, condoning kidnapping and slavery while having their own Head of State in the mix, popularity will no doubt suffer.

Despite the acts of Pentastar and the kidnapping of Lira Ryuujin-Diggins, one still cannot ignore the Sith Empire. The ideals and code of the Sith originating from Korriban since the inception of the force have become tarnished by the select few, ungifted in the ways of the force, forming a Bounty Hunting establishment reflecting barbaric views. While recruitment initiatives my view this as an easy way for people to gain access to the wonders of the force, and become a Sith to destroy the galaxy. The dream exists, but in reality, the Sith Empire is just an empty shell, preaching words and performing ceremonies without any knowledge of the force. Secretly participating in one such ritual, a reporter for Fuzz Inc. noticed a large amount of wiring and a number of ventilation systems surrounding the ritual zone. After a closer analysis, it appears that the ventilation system would continually vent Ryll to drug viewers, while Karl Korne, someone with no knowledge of the force, would move objects around using wiring equipment, making it appear that he was using the force. Such trickery is laughable and ridiculous to gain followers, instead, Religion may be a better idea, not that of a Bounty Hunting establishment.

While visibly distressed and hurt from her ordeal, her demeanor was one of passion and strength. She may have been assaulted and captured by Bounty Hunters, but her captors were too inept to execute her. With no trust for the sanctity of government protection, many sentients are putting doubts in the safety of Penastar Alignment space, and the planet of Hoth. No doubt awakening to an empty cave with no prisoner, Karl Korne was left with a small note. Minus the profanity and abuse for a poorly executed plan, it apparently stated that his days were numbered, and that Olys Socorro would strike back with the fury of a thousand Rancor's, however, we were unable to reach Mrs. Diggins for confirmation. Only time will tell however. Fuzz out.