Rar Lunko

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Rar Lunko
Biographical Information
Race Weequay
Homeworld Sriluur
Mother Unnamed Weequay
Father Unnamed Weequay
Siblings Unknown
Born -13
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.93 meters
Coloring Tan
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Infinite Empire
Positions Lieutenant (Infinite Empire)

Pirate (Pressure Pirates)

Prior Affiliation Pressure Pirates

Rar Lunko is an unpredictable Weequay scoundrel and reformed pirate who has recently taken up legitimate work as a Lieutenant of the Infinite Empire.


Life on Sriluur

Leaving Sriluur

Rar's home planet of Sriluur

Taking on a personal name is rare among the Weequay who live on Sriluur, and it is said that Rar Lunko was given his name by a Weequay shaman shortly before leaving. Rar Lunko is believed to be the only member of his direct family to have ever left Sriluur, and therefor he is likely to be the only member of his family to have been given a name. Religious doctrine forbids any Weequay from leaving Sriluur without special dispensation from a shaman, though Rar Lunko was caught trying to leave without being given the privilege. Rar Lunko's life was spared from a quick and brutal execution when a shaman stepped in at the last moment to grant Rar Lunko the special dispensation that is required. This move by the shaman was a rare one, and before anyone could change their minds, Rar Lunko got off of Sriluur as fast as he could.

Wayward Weequay

Flag of the Eidola Pirates

Like most Weequay that came before him, Rar Lunko’s first instinct once leaving Sriluur was to find and join a merry band of drunken pirates. The obvious choice might have been the Eidola Pirates, who control Sriluur and the surrounding area, if it wasn’t for the fact that Rar Lunko grew up resenting that his home world was governed by non-Weequay. Most Weequay didn’t care much about galactic politics, or anything that happened off of Sriluur, which is how non-Weequay came to govern their planet in the first place. Despite this, Rar Lunko had longstanding personal opinions about such matters, and they influenced his decision making process now more than ever. Rar Lunko quickly left Eidola Pirate territory and began his career as a freelance pirate.

Pressure Pirate

Flag of the Pressure Pirates

When the alliance between the Pressure Pirates and the Dark Star Hellions was broken, a number of ships belonging to the Pressure Pirates were suddenly trapped in formerly friendly territory. Rar Lunko happened to be in the area and was hired by the Pressure Pirates to get into the newly hostile territory and retrieve the remaining ships without being noticed. Upon completion of the job, Rar Lunko was payed in stolen equipment that enhanced his ability to perform as an independent pirate. Upon dissolution of the Pressure Pirates, Rar Lunko quickly returned to his freelance work. Despite being brief, Rar Lunko's time with the Pressure Pirates eventually proved to be a major turning point along his life path.

Son of Sriluur


Although Rar Lunko is a loner at heart, especially for his kind, running with a crew again had left an impression on the tribe-born Weequay. Sliding quite easily back into his independent freelance piracy, things were technically better than ever for the "Son of Sriluur". Despite this, Rar Lunko found himself spending much of his free time drunkenly slaughtering huge creatures, such as the fearsome Draigon. Eventually it occurred to Rar Lunko exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it. Although he was not religious when he lived on his home world of Sriluur, Rar Lunko had been unwittingly fulfilling the Weequay tradition of sacrificing large beasts while abroad, in honour of the Moon God Quay. Rar Lunko questioned the sudden realization only temporarily, deciding that this truly was the source of his compulsions.

Figuring this out caused these compulsions to cease. The compulsions to sacrifice large beasts ceased anyway, if not the compulsion to mix binge drinking with his spice fueled benders. Rar Lunko, being at times painfully philosophical, spent time contemplating the meaning behind his realization. He decided that it wasn’t religion itself that had been pulling at him, it was his pure Weequay blood. Rar Lunko had rebelled against the traditional hive-mindedness of his species while living on Sriluur, but now that he lived far from home in the open galaxy, he thought perhaps he had rebelled a bit too much.

Anonymous Weequay

Rar Lunko began searching for and contacting any Weequay he could find living off of Sriluur. He had taken it upon himself to organize, with no real endgame in mind. Unsurprisingly, he found many of his kind working as criminal henchmen, and managed to convince some low level Weequay thugs to join him and follow his orders in battles against rival gangs of bandits. Finding their help invaluable, Rar Lunko keeps them aboard his ship to this day and even rents out their combat services on occasion. Much to Rar Lunko's chagrin, many Weequay proved to be born followers, but he was not above using that fact to his advantage.

Rar's ally, Tzor

Not every Weequay Rar Lunko contacted was interested in following any of his plans, however. Even less were interested in Rar Lunko’s more ambitious ideas. It wasn’t until contacting Tzor Zyl, an equally proud Weequay, that Rar Lunko found someone who was interested in forming the Weequay brotherhood that he had in mind. Tzor Zyl was working for the Infinite Empire at the time, and the two of them decided they would form a network of information between the Weequay who live off of Sriluur, allowing each Weequay to continue working for whoever they wanted. Rar Lunko and Tzor Zyl kept in loose contact as planned, but shortly after Tzor Zyl began working for The Black Hand, he disappeared. The final HoloNet message Rar Lunko received from Tzor Zyl was a grim one and Tzor Zyl is now presumed to be dead.

Infinite Infamy

Symbol of the Infinite Empire

As Rar Lunko’s stash of ill-gotten gains grew, so did his reputation, and his name began circling amongst the most influential factions in the galaxy. Rar Lunko became known as an intelligent and charming pirate that you could do business with, if you stayed on his good side. He was resourceful and clever more than straight up intimidating, some would say sneaky, but as long as you kept your wits about you, he was an honest and useful business partner. Rar Lunko’s reputation eventually found its way to Uther Von Kaldreon, Emperor of the Infinite Empire. The Infinite Empire was going through a phase of transformation, so thinking outside the box, Uther Von Kaldreon decided to contact the infamous Weequay pirate himself and seek to enlist his services as a member of the Infinite Empire. Rar Lunko remembered Tzor Zyl’s positive stories about his time working for the Infinite Empire, so he entertained the idea of joining them more than he would have otherwise. Wisely appealing to Rar Lunko’s sense of self-importance, Emperor Uther Von Kaldreon convinced him he would be an invaluable asset as Lieutenant of the Infinite Empire, with unlimited potential for promotion. Rar Lunko surprised many and decided to join, and so an important and unexpected new chapter began in the life of the "Son of Sriluur".

See also