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Eidola Pirates
Political information
Motto "We have done the impossible,
and that makes us mighty."
Type of government Pirate Government
De facto leader Pirate Queen Syn
2IC Carl Warrington
Owner Syn
Affiliation Criminal
Societal information
Territory Outer Rim Territories
Historical Information
Date of establishment Year 5 Day 82
Industry Pirate Government
Status Active
Holosite None

Eidola, more formally known as the Eidola Pirates, is the largest and most notorious organized gang of pirates in the galaxy. Although the group controls numerous galactic sectors, their activities seem primarily concentrated throughout the Outer Rim Territories, particularly within Hutt Space. Originally founded by the notable scammer and thief, Keir Santage, the pirate gang evolved from a small nucleus of thieves circa Year 4 into a powerful government.


Eidola began as a small tight-knit group of thieves under the leadership of Keir Santage. Early members included Bruce Spear, Derek Solo, and Lloyd Font. The group of freelancers eventually moved into Outrider Trading after Keir was given its leadership, and the company was transformed into a den of thieves who became widely regarded as the best in the galaxy's criminal underworld. Keir later sold Outrider Trading and purchased a medical company called Biotech Medical, and the group moved to the new company, picking up new recruits like Utono Brutza along the way. Later they sold Biotech and created a new collective from scratch that they named Malebranche, consisting of two separate but similarly named groups. Soon after, one of the two Malebranche groups became Eidola.

Keir led Eidola for barely five months before his alleged death in Year 5, and the group was passed on to his teenage daughter, Teniel Djo. Colloquially nicknamed the Pirate Queen, which became the informal title of the pirate group's leader, she rapidly rose to galactic fame through her clever confidence scams and her charismatic media appearances, and she transformed the group of pirates into a formal government over many of the Outer Rim Territories. She led the group for seven years before committing suicide in the Maw in Year 12, along with a handful of fellow pirates and a number of Eidola's finest ships. This left Eidola in the hands of Warlord Squall Chitose.

Chitose led Eidola as its Pirate King for five years. During his tenure, he strove to expand the pirate-controlled territory throughout the galaxy, and Hutt Space was secured as Eidolan territory under his leadership. Although the group historically did not pay its members any salary, preferring to rely on the common distribution of ill-gotten gains, Chitose instituted a small monthly salary to ensure that even the newer and less experienced pirates would have some resources while learning the ropes. Despite being publicly painted as a carefree drunk, he engaged in diplomatic negotiations with various galactic entities in the pirates' best interests. But over the years, he found himself increasingly less able to participate in the pirate group's operations, and in Year 17, his former second in command and close friend Syn replaced him as leader of the group.

Since assuming leadership, Syn began to focus more of her attention inwardly on the internal organization of the group and the wellbeing of her fellow pirates. She realized that the majority of Eidola's vast resources were going unused and began to distribute them freely within the group, assigning new quartermasters and enabling them to develop Eidolan space in order to create enormous havens for pirates within their systems. She provided the pirates with the means to undertake their own operations both overtly and covertly, and enabled them to accrue enormous sums of credits by putting Eidola's resources, as well as her own personal funds, to good use. The overall population within Eidola's territories more than quadrupled during this period. In a somewhat questionable move, she also ended her predecessor's diplomatic efforts and declared all groups within the galaxy a fair target for the pirates.

Leadership History

Reported Murders

Reported Kidnappings


  • (Year 9)


  • (Year 12)


  • (Year 20)

Subsidiaries None
Allies Eidola Cantrell Institute · Jabiim Consortium
Other Allies Knights of the Fountain · Smugglers Guild
Sectors Al`Nasrl · Baxel · Fath · Hutt Space · Iotran Expanse · Periphery · Phelleem · Tamarin
Branches None
Other Keir Santage · Teniel Djo · Squall Chitose · Syn · Shadowstone Affair · Eidola Pirates

Second Galactic Civil War
Rebel Alliance

Rebel Alliance

Other Anti-Imperial

Blue Star Dominion · The Antarian Rangers and Galactic Alliance-ARK- · The Invid Order · Jedi Order · The Resistance · TIEFE · Rogue Squadron · Triumvirate Coalition)

Imperial Union

Black Sun · Galactic Empire · The Faerytail Family · Tresario Star Kingdom

Imperial Union-aligned


Galactic Concordiate

Aurodium Legion · Mandalore · Tion Hegemony

Galactic Concordiate-aligned

The Wraiths

Shadow Dominion

Zann Consortium · Biotech

Battles and Conflicts
Major Conflicts

Adlentar · Alderaan · Bacta Wars · Berchest · Beta · Churnis · Corellia · Dellalt · Dostra · Dressel · Hosnian · Kashyyyk · 2nd Krmar II · Meridian · N'zoth · Sacorria · 1st Tatooine · 2nd Tatooine · Trellen

Major Hostile Takeovers

Takeover of The Antarian Rangers (Y9 D221 - Y10 D341) · Corporate Sector Authority Nationalisation (Y5 D139 - Y10 D102) · Takeover of the New Republic

Wars of the Galaxy

Black Sun Crisis (Y3 D53 - Y3 D293) · Cron Conflict (Y11 D64 - D297) · First Imperial Civil War (Y-2 - Y0) · Second Imperial Civil War (Y1 D307 - Y3 D290) · Third Imperial Civil War (Y6 D318 - Y10 D160) · Fourth Imperial Civil War (Y11 D291)

Related Wars

Outer Rim War (Y7 - Present Day) · Mandalorian Civil War (Y16 D35 - Present Day)