Rann Halcyon

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Rann Halcyon
Biographical Information
Race Human (Corellian)
Homeworld Corellia
Born Y-14 D27
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.78 meters
Coloring Blonde hair
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation The Jedi Order
Rank Jedi Knight
Prior Affiliation Tion Hegemony
Raptor Pirates

Rann Halcyon is a Corellian Jedi Knight and a member of the Jedi Order. He currently serves with the Ministry of Defense in the Jedi Coalition.

Early life

Born on Corellia on Year -14 Day 27, Rann Halcyon spent most of his childhood in the city of Tyrena. He was enrolled at the CorSec Academy where he received high marks, however was constantly reprimanded for being tardy. Most of the time, instead of attending class, Rann was off participating in Swoop bike races. He eventually developed a reputation for being an excellent pilot. Due to his constant absence, Rann was expelled from the CorSec Academy.

At the age of 16, not long after his explusion, Rann got a job working on a refuling station, the Blue Wind. This allowed him to further his piloting skills and even learn how to repair ships. Unfortunately, the pay was minimal and the owner of the station would treat the crew unfairly, even cruely at times. Rann eventually grew to dislike his employer.

Pirate's Life